Beats Binge Drinking!


Not So Junior Member
Two of my kids had pets while at university:

A Whole New Kind of Party Animal
Pets provide significant relief from college's unique stress factors
By Andrea EpsteinPosted 01.12.2009 at 4:25 pm1 Comment

College Student Pet Owner: iStockPhoto
“Stress relievers” that typically come to mind in reference to college life include partying hard, engaging in fraternity shenanigans, and ordering pizza. Add pet ownership to that list. A new study out of Ohio State University found that pets-- not beer-- are help college students to get through difficult times...
So long as they don't just dump the animal at the end of the semester. While volunteering with the Humane Soc., I saw that over and over. Living in the country, I still see it.

Actually, I concur. My son lived in an apartment full of animals, with responsible students. They were cared for and brought home. My son enjoyed his room mates' pets, but hadn't one that was 'his.' 3 bedroom, 3 bath apartment, 3 'students', 1 80# dog, 2 cats, 2 birds, 2 snakes, and three rodents, lots of fish and spiders. (Enough rodents and spiders to creep me out! Not to mention snakes!)

Over thanksgiving one of his room mates, calls him and says, 'He HAS to take this poor, purebred Daschund, that was going to be killed. Seems someone from a dorm had abandoned it. Sure enough, he did so when he returned. Now we are the proud owners of Julia Roberts, our little weenie dog. He was in last semester on campus, now is home doing his internship in.... ta da! Sex offenders parole officer.

He goes nuts with the animals abused and abandoned on campus.
I like the sentiment but nothing beats binge drinking while in school. (or after for that matter)
We have a pair of ferrets that were about to be abandoned by a girl graduating and taking a job overseas.

Didn't really want them, but couldn't see them abandoned or sent to the shelter.