

Verified User
At least a third of the Americans who voted in the 2016 election are too young to remember the so-called “ pretty-in-pink” press conference of 1994 in which a demurely dressed Hillary tried to put away questions concerning insider trading with carefully phrased answers that in retrospect turned out to be evasive, misleading, or not wholly true. But even though Whitewater and the other scandals of the 1990s are receding from memory, Hillary’s aura of dishonesty, obscured for a time by the Lewinsky scandal, is still aglow.

Why Hillary Failed
Noemie Emery
September 22, 2017 at 3:15 AM


Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s “Pretty-in-Pink” press conference was contrived to whitewash Whitewater which she accomplished with a convenient loss of memory:


First Lady Melania Trump not only looks beautiful-in-pink her advice makes more sense than “Just say No.”

'I always say love yourself more than you love drugs,' she advised.

Melania speaks! First lady dresses in dusty pink suit as she makes a rare statement in the Oval Office and then tells reporters at opioids briefing: 'Love yourself more than you love drugs'
By Emily Goodin, U.s. Political Reporter
Published: 13:34 EDT, 12 June 2019 | Updated: 18:46 EDT, 12 June 2019