Beauty Works Wonders When Topping off A Hard On


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but it counts for very little when choosing a wife.

If you watch the video you will notice that Argentina’s women get a top rating. That did not surprise me. Many years ago I observed that many of the beautiful woman I saw in Buenos Aires had raven black hair and blue eyes. I concluded that Argentina’s beauties blended with all of those Germans who fled to Argentina at the end of WWII.

I have some pointers for young men when they go shopping for a wife.

1. Search for a lifetime companion.

2. Study a candidate’s parents. If you do not like her parents you should know that your wife will turn into her mother, her father, or both.

It may be true that a man falls in love with his eyes and women fall in love with their ears. I do not doubt the love part, but a smart man relies on his ears to select a wife.

3. Study the way a perspective bride speaks. If she has a lousy voice, mumbles, and cannot speak clearly in a firm voice you will end up asking “What did you say?” for most of your life.

4. Grooming is more important than tits and ass. An instinctively well-groomed women will still look good after the bloom is off the rose.

Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own. Nelson Algren

5. And certainly never marry a women whose troubles are worse than yours. You are not responsible for satisfying your wife in bed. If she cannot satisfy herself in the bedroom she will not satisfy you anywhere else. With this precept in mind: Neither marry a frigid women nor an artless nymphomaniac.

6. Look elsewhere if your candidate can neither fuck nor cook.

Never eat at a place called Mom's. Nelson Algren