because no one else did.......the latest trend......the Sober Curiou Movement....


fully immersed in faith..
Michigan's first 'Sober Bar' opens for business

The sober curious culture breaks the binary stigma of either you drink, or you do not drink at all,” O’Neill tells us. “To pursue a sober curious lifestyle empowers one to make choices that fit what is best for you during any period of your life or under circumstances and means of your choosing,promote%20health%20and%20wellness%20benefits.
I hang out at a musicians bar where the live music is always great.

But, I don't like to be bothered by the waitress staff that are always hustling drinks to the customers.

I am not really much of a drinker, so I will stretch a beer out for an hour or so, and drink more responsibly by just tipping them very well to not hustle me for drinks.

But I do know some friends who will slam a drink or beer every five minutes until they are not safe to drive themselves home- and so we pitch in and get them an UBER!
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dont really see the value of a bar where you dont drink apart from avoiding DUIs.

might as well go to a library.
dont really see the value of a bar where you dont drink apart from avoiding DUIs.

might as well go to a library.

Well, there is a thing called DRINKING SENSIBLY AND DRIVING SAFE!

I have a personal one drink per hour limit- THAT WAY I AM NEVER TOO DRUNK TO DRIVE HOME!

And here in Texas, it is against the law for a waitress to serve drunks!
Ordinarily the presence of alcohol fuels that process. Not sure it works as well sober. Grocery store would be a better option.

I forgot the word WOKE.

It is always a good idea to give me a few minutes, as I often go back and fix/add quality to my posts.
back when we had social gatherings for work, like county bar association happy hours or open bar weddings my strategy was to start with a gin and tonic, then switch to just tonic with a twist of lime.....