because no one else has......semen on a dress


fully immersed in faith..
one thing that strikes me as odd about this civil case Trump is involved in.....

the Plaintiff says she was raped......she says she has semen on a tell me this.......she didn't report the alleged rape......she saves the dress with semen on it for decades......this doesn't make sense to me.......anyone?......
one thing that strikes me as odd about this civil case Trump is involved in.....

the Plaintiff says she was raped......she says she has semen on a tell me this.......she didn't report the alleged rape......she saves the dress with semen on it for decades......this doesn't make sense to me.......anyone?......

it sounds familiar, but I just can't place a similar story in the past..........oddly, the liberals didn't much care about that story, there was no 'there' there.
one thing that strikes me as odd about this civil case Trump is involved in.....

the Plaintiff says she was raped......she says she has semen on a tell me this.......she didn't report the alleged rape......she saves the dress with semen on it for decades......this doesn't make sense to me.......anyone?......

None of it makes sense because it is a lie. Here's the best statement I have seen about this:

Bergdorf Goodman was never deserted. It was a very, very popular store to shop in. It was high end, and everyone went there. When he pulled her into a dressing room according to her, she didn't scream nor call attention. Usually in Bergdorf Goodman you had to wait until a dressing room was empty and the salesperson always accompanied you to see if you needed any help. Initially she said the rape took three minutes. It would take that long to undress. And three minutes is memorable in her book. Why did she ask him for help? Trump was in real estate and not in fashion. I can't buy what she is selling. There were always more than enough salespeople on each floor. I remember this vividly. And once you were in the dressing room, the saleslady came to check on you. And if she was in the dressing room with a man, that wasn't allowed since other ladies were in there in all stages of undress. Husbands had to wait outside and there was a couch for them to sit in when the lady went into the dressing room. Her story has more holes than Swiss cheese.
PMP the dumb fuck strikes again!!!!! It's because TRUMP REFUSED TO GIVE A DNA SAMPLE you fucking know nothing knuckledragging moron. For fucks sake, read something.

Every one of these threads involves an ignorant fucking Trump supporter repeating what they heard from Trump's lawyers an pretending they thought of it themselves. It's hilarious. And sad. Do you have a single original thought in your head?
PMP the dumb fuck strikes again!!!!! It's because TRUMP REFUSED TO GIVE A DNA SAMPLE you fucking know nothing knuckledragging moron. For fucks sake, read something.

Every one of these threads involves an ignorant fucking Trump supporter repeating what they heard from Trump's lawyers a pretending they thought of it themselves. It's hilarious. And sad. Do you have a single original thought in your head?
Trump only offered to give a sample after the trial began and no new evidence could be admitted. He thinks this makes E. Jean look bad, but it actually makes him look bad.
Trump only offered to give a sample after the trial began and no new evidence could be admitted. He thinks this makes E. Jean look bad, but it actually makes him look bad.

His threatening tweets, his mob lawyer, and his failure to tell his side of the story..... EVERYTHING makes Trump look bad. To sane people.
PMP the dumb fuck strikes again!!!!! It's because TRUMP REFUSED TO GIVE A DNA SAMPLE you fucking know nothing knuckledragging moron. For fucks sake, read something.

Every one of these threads involves an ignorant fucking Trump supporter repeating what they heard from Trump's lawyers an pretending they thought of it themselves. It's hilarious. And sad. Do you have a single original thought in your head?

Trump Supporters really don't care whether Donald Trump rapes women or not. They do not care if he lies or not. They do not care if he cheats on his taxes. They do not care if he cheats on his wives. They do not care if he forces himself on women. They do not care if he is a Racist. They do not care that he is a Misogynist.They do not care of he cheats in elections. They do not even care that he is unfit for office. They all have a different standard for Donald Trump than they do for any other person in the world, as they believe everything Donald Trump does- HE IS ENTITLED TO DO SO. They believe that Donald Trump is their savior, as they believe their God selected him to protect WHITE CHRISTIAN EVANGELISM and he is superior to everyone else in the world.


Typical TRUMPTARDS idolize Trump and worship the ground he stands on! To them he is a GOD!

In reality, these ass-kissers are no different than the followers of Charles Manson who went out and killed for him because he asked them to do so. Donald Trump is no different than Charles Manson.

That is how dangerous Trump and his Cult followers are. And they have declared war on everyone that are not a part of the cult- OR ANYONE WHO DEFIES THEM OR STANDS UP TO THEM!

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Trump Supporters really don't care whether Donald Trump rapes women or not. They do not care if he lies or not. They do not care if he cheats on his taxes. They do not care if he cheats on his wives. They do not care if he forces himself on women. They do not care if he is a Racist. They do not care that he is a Misogynist.They do not care of he cheats in elections. They do not even care that he is unfit for office. They all have a different standard for Donald Trump than they do for any other person in the world, as they believe everything Donald Trump does- HE IS ENTITLED TO DO SO. They believe that Donald Trump is their savior, as they believe their God selected him to protect WHITE CHRISTIAN EVANGELISM and he is superior to everyone else in the world.


Typical TRUMPTARDS idolize Trump and worship the ground he stands on! To them he is a GOD!

I agree. I wish they would have the integrity to just admit that rather than post this bullshit about how a rape victim is supposed to behave (according to old white guys). They are beneath contempt,
I had a girlfriend once who asked me how her new dress looked on her. I told her it looks FANTASTIC on her but it would look even BETTER laying on the floor next to the bed! ;) :cool:
PMP the dumb fuck strikes again!!!!! It's because TRUMP REFUSED TO GIVE A DNA SAMPLE you fucking know nothing knuckledragging moron. For fucks sake, read something.

Every one of these threads involves an ignorant fucking Trump supporter repeating what they heard from Trump's lawyers an pretending they thought of it themselves. It's hilarious. And sad. Do you have a single original thought in your head?

so let me get this straight......the reason she saved the dress she got raped in and didn't wash it for twenty years was because Trump refused to give a DNA sample? are certainly more clever than I am.....I would never have figured that out without your help.......