beefy, you anti ganga person!!

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
do you know you're debating that pot is evil? i think our debate is weird because both of us support marijuana legalization and both of us have smoked the holy reefer.....

maybe we should have to toke up before we debate....oh wait, i don't smoke marijuana, it is against the law and i can't get prescription :cof1:
I don't really think marijuana is evil. I want to legalize it, but aside from that, I do look down on it and the culture of pot as beneith me and moronic. I suspect that it will cause grave harm to large segments of the population, but so long as its not costing me any money (which prohibition does), I don't care about that.

One reason why I'd like to see drugs legalized is that it would serve as an agent of change to separate the worthy citizens from the unworthy. A sort of experiment in social darwinism, as it were.
I don't really think marijuana is evil. I want to legalize it, but aside from that, I do look down on it and the culture of pot as beneith me and moronic. I suspect that it will cause grave harm to large segments of the population, but so long as its not costing me any money (which prohibition does), I don't care about that.

One reason why I'd like to see drugs legalized is that it would serve as an agent of change to separate the worthy citizens from the unworthy. A sort of experiment in social darwinism, as it were.

i look down on you and your beer drinking lifestyle. Alcohol causes more harm and death to the human population than weed ever will.

I look down on you proles because you think you are morally superior even though your drug of choice can actually KILL you (as well as others). It can give you brain damage. It can cause you to harm others.

What the fuck are you talking about, social darwinism? You mean how there are thousands of drunk driving accidents every year? And alcohol poisoning? And people beating their wives and kids? and people puking their guts out? And going into public and acting like an obnoxious assholes? And making people so drunk they have to piss on churches?

All weed does is make you want to eat taco bell and watch the history channel when they have shows about the end of the world.

Educate yourself threedee. Come to mass and lets light up a bowl.
i look down on you and your beer drinking lifestyle. Alcohol causes more harm and death to the human population than weed ever will.

I look down on you proles because you think you are morally superior even though your drug of choice can actually KILL you (as well as others). It can give you brain damage. It can cause you to harm others.

What the fuck are you talking about, social darwinism? You mean how there are thousands of drunk driving accidents every year? And alcohol poisoning? And people beating their wives and kids? and people puking their guts out? And going into public and acting like an obnoxious assholes? And making people so drunk they have to piss on churches?

All weed does is make you want to eat taco bell and watch the history channel when they have shows about the end of the world.

Educate yourself threedee. Come to mass and lets light up a bowl.

This debate is actually unnecessary, because all we have to do is legalize weed, and any other illicit drug, and sit back and watch what happens. I'm pretty sure it will be a bleak picture for many people, though.

Some of the effects of alcohol are actually pluses. Seeing people act up like assholes in public is hilarious, and so is people urinating on churches, even if it is sacrilege. Does alcohol make you abandon things in life, such as work, thinking, and relationships? No, it doesn't, although it may screw some of those things up it won't cause you to simply walk away. I view prohibition as strongly inhibiting problems from marijuana from flaring up, such as DUI, misbehaving in public, etc.

As for the last sentence, I'd rather drink beer with you than engage in prolish pot. I'm not a hippie...
I don't really think marijuana is evil. I want to legalize it, but aside from that, I do look down on it and the culture of pot as beneith me and moronic. I suspect that it will cause grave harm to large segments of the population, but so long as its not costing me any money (which prohibition does), I don't care about that.

One reason why I'd like to see drugs legalized is that it would serve as an agent of change to separate the worthy citizens from the unworthy. A sort of experiment in social darwinism, as it were.

it will cause "grave harm".....huh?

and your porno pictures do a grave service for this country :pke:

i know you drink, so you have no moral high ground to diss marijuana threedee....they are both drugs and alcohol is far more harmful than ganja
i look down on you and your beer drinking lifestyle. Alcohol causes more harm and death to the human population than weed ever will.

I look down on you proles because you think you are morally superior even though your drug of choice can actually KILL you (as well as others). It can give you brain damage. It can cause you to harm others.

What the fuck are you talking about, social darwinism? You mean how there are thousands of drunk driving accidents every year? And alcohol poisoning? And people beating their wives and kids? and people puking their guts out? And going into public and acting like an obnoxious assholes? And making people so drunk they have to piss on churches?

All weed does is make you want to eat taco bell and watch the history channel when they have shows about the end of the world.

Educate yourself threedee. Come to mass and lets light up a bowl.

all hail grind
This debate is actually unnecessary, because all we have to do is legalize weed, and any other illicit drug, and sit back and watch what happens. I'm pretty sure it will be a bleak picture for many people, though.

Some of the effects of alcohol are actually pluses. Seeing people act up like assholes in public is hilarious, and so is people urinating on churches, even if it is sacrilege. Does alcohol make you abandon things in life, such as work, thinking, and relationships? No, it doesn't, although it may screw some of those things up it won't cause you to simply walk away. I view prohibition as strongly inhibiting problems from marijuana from flaring up, such as DUI, misbehaving in public, etc.

As for the last sentence, I'd rather drink beer with you than engage in prolish pot. I'm not a hippie...

you are seriously an idiot on this topic....alcohol destroys families, careers, relationships etc....i could easily google the info, but why bother....look at the hollyweirdos whose lives are ruined by booze and who pay thousands of dollars to get over their addiction to booze

three....come on....any drug can fuck up any life, any family
it will cause "grave harm".....huh?

and your porno pictures do a grave service for this country :pke:

i know you drink, so you have no moral high ground to diss marijuana threedee....they are both drugs and alcohol is far more harmful than ganja

Marijuana is illegal, alcohol is not. How the fuck do you even begin to compare their effects on society?

I personally want it legalized, believing that it will do some serious damage. Not as much as the other drugs I want legalized by a longshot, but I am a chaotic person who views chaos as a good thing for society in many respects, because it forces change. Meanwhile, all you potheads can relax, and smoke openly when I get my way. You will see me make comparisons between pot and alcohol for political purposes, but understand that I am simply being manipulative, and yes, dishonest. I don't see any comparison whatsoever, and I will continue to judge people who are into marijuana.

And the only damage done by my pictures was to PMP's emotions, and Asshat's rage control as a misogynist who likely saw the pictures and became angry and affraid.
Does alcohol make you abandon things in life, such as work, thinking, and relationships? No, it doesn't

of course it does, for many people. People can become physically addicted to alcohol:

"Long term alcohol abuse can cause a number of physical symptoms, including cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, epilepsy, polyneuropathy, alcoholic dementia, heart disease, nutritional deficiencies, and sexual dysfunction, and can eventually be fatal."

I think that disrupts work thinking and relationships, don't you?

Weed does not inherently make people lazy. I know people that will smoke weed and go for a run. I know people that smoke weed and go hiking through the forest or canoeing. Weed makes EVERYTHING better. Being in nature and outside is AWESOME on weed.

President Obama smoked weed.
Michael phelps smokes weed and won shitloads of medals. Weed does not prevent you from being an active individual

There ARE plenty of lazy people that are attracted to weed. But the laziness came first most of the time.
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UOTE=Threedee;690318]Marijuana is illegal, alcohol is not. How the fuck do you even begin to compare their effects on society?

this is a shameful quote...because one is legal and one is not, you make a judgment call on it

I personally want it legalized, believing that it will do some serious damage. Not as much as the other drugs I want legalized by a longshot, but I am a chaotic person who views chaos as a good thing for society in many respects, because it forces change. Meanwhile, all you potheads can relax, and smoke openly when I get my way. You will see me make comparisons between pot and alcohol for political purposes, but understand that I am simply being manipulative, and yes, dishonest. I don't see any comparison whatsoever, and I will continue to judge people who are into marijuana.

so you're for chaos....and admit to being dishonest.....why again are you trying to debate this issue?

And the only damage done by my pictures was to PMP's emotions, and Asshat's rage control as a misogynist who likely saw the pictures and became angry and affraid.

porn is as powerful as booze threedee......
this is a shameful quote...because one is legal and one is not, you make a judgment call on it

Have you been paying attention? I want it to BECOME legal, so that accurate and valid comparisons can be made. I'm just saying, don't expect a bed of roses.

so you're for chaos....and admit to being dishonest.....why again are you trying to debate this issue?

Yes, this is one political issue that I will make dishonest points about, but the points I make are honestly and genuinely believed by other people. I'm simply making them my own within the context of the drug debate, even though I don't believe them myself.

porn is as powerful as booze threedee......

I'm still adapting to the modern world, as the concept has never really rang any bells for me. Booze is at least chemically/genetically addictive. Also, I DO NOT POST PORN ON THIS SITE. ITS AGAINST THE RULES TO DO SO. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT PROLES TAKING RISQUE PHOTOS AND CALLING THEM PORNOGRAPHIC. SWIMSUITS AND LINGERIE = CLOTHING, ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!
fyi i upvoted the last comment for the porn stance not the anti-drug stance O_O



BTW, is it anti-drug to support legalization (probably beyond what most MJ supporters even advocate) and still look down on the drugs themselves?
yes because you are attaching an undeserved stigma to something that causes far less harm than your drug of choice. it's a moral hypocrisy. Reefer madness was like 70 years ago. time to get with the program.
yes because you are attaching an undeserved stigma to something that causes far less harm than your drug of choice. it's a moral hypocrisy. Reefer madness was like 70 years ago. time to get with the program.

Yes, arbitrarily claim that it does less damage, even though we don't let it compete with alcohol, legally. That makes sense.