Beekeeping Illegal?


Staff member
Denver cited a woman (criminal charges there, Jarod) for beekeeping in Denver, just a few days ago. It's been covered on the morning talk show that I listen to on the way in to work.

The find is $999 and can also include 1 year in jail!

Who wrote this inane law? What purpose would there be for such insanity?

Anyway, after a few embarrassing days of constant vitriol being leveled at Denver for this policy, they have acquiesced and are allowing the woman to keep her bees...

Amazingly all this was happening as I was building my first hive and preparing to take on some bees. I'm still stunned that a place that prides itself on environmentalism would make beekeeping illegal...

If bees are illegal, only criminals will have bees!
I agree, its a stupid law.

Especially since bees insure the continuation of virtually all crops.

Oh well, no one ever accused politicians of being particularly bright.
I for one respect the laws of the land. We're going to miss you Damo, but c'est la vie.
It may just be she is in to developed and area.
Nah. I'll bet it was one of those laws that has been on the books for years and years. It probably just says "insects" or something like that and some overzealous city manager employee went and justified his paycheck by finding somebody who was keeping "insects" and citing them.

The idea that an insect that brings such benefit should be illegal, that sounds like either one of the unintended consequences things, or it was some person who was allergic and had power....
Another oddity I found out today. The City Manager's title in Denver?... Wait for it...

"His Lordship"...
Nah. I'll bet it was one of those laws that has been on the books for years and years. It probably just says "insects" or something like that and some overzealous city manager employee went and justified his paycheck by finding somebody who was keeping "insects" and citing them.

The idea that an insect that brings such benefit should be illegal, that sounds like either one of the unintended consequences things, or it was some person who was allergic and had power....

HA I love those laws that have been on the books for years. In fact, I believe we have one here about vagrancy. If I remember correctly I can get arrested for carrying less than $2 on me. Thats awesome!! :rolleyes: