The remora of JPP
There is blatant stereotypes about the Jews and there is no backlash. Just like "Gran Torino" and "The Mule".
Almost every movie, TV show and other work of art gets put under Twitter’s sensitive microscope these days. Depictions of Jews in contemporary culture in the United States are especially of interest, given the wave of anti-Semitism rising across the country.
So in a sense it might be surprising that “Uncut Gems,” the critically acclaimed Diamond District thriller starring Adam Sandler that depicts a series of age-old negative tropes about Jews, hasn’t been subject to a controversial level of public scrutiny.
Sandler’s Howard, whom another character calls a “crazy Jew,” is almost a parody of the anti-Semitic caricature that paints Jews as cheap and profit-driven.
Another things I noticed: the big ears and noses.
Almost every movie, TV show and other work of art gets put under Twitter’s sensitive microscope these days. Depictions of Jews in contemporary culture in the United States are especially of interest, given the wave of anti-Semitism rising across the country.
So in a sense it might be surprising that “Uncut Gems,” the critically acclaimed Diamond District thriller starring Adam Sandler that depicts a series of age-old negative tropes about Jews, hasn’t been subject to a controversial level of public scrutiny.
Sandler’s Howard, whom another character calls a “crazy Jew,” is almost a parody of the anti-Semitic caricature that paints Jews as cheap and profit-driven.
Another things I noticed: the big ears and noses.