Beer Review: Atwater Traverse City Cherry Wheat


Uwaa OmO
I'm a big fan of wheat beers, and I'm a fan of cherry beers, but I've never tried a cherry wheat beer. I know Sam Adams makes one, and I've had many chances to try it, but I just never have. But this one, being a Michigan beer, made it to my list. It's the last of my mixed sixer that I bought a while ago. So let's dive in.

Poured into a 16oz pint glass.

A: Copper colored and very transparent. Head is about 1/4 of a finger and stays for a few seconds before slowly dissipating, leaving a ring around the edge of the glass, and some slight lacing. I know I was expecting a reddish hue but it's just not there. Not a fault, just something I'm used to with cherries. An interesting side note is that the lacing that remains is symetrical. Weird.

N: Cherry tartness with citrusy hops up front. A slight malt note towards the end, and no alcohol present.

T: A mild cherry tartness with some zest from the hops up front, but balanced out well by the malt profile. Doesn't leave an after taste, and no alcohol present here. Damn good though. Damn good.

M: Zesty. The tartness and the hops make the mouth feel very lively when I'm drinking this. The body is light, but not as light as...say a light beer. Alcohol isn't noticeable. Unlike most other offerings this doesn't have a great depth to the feeling. You feel it on the tip of your tongue and the roof of your mouth, and then it quickly smooths out to almost a water like consistency on the swallow.

D: Moderate. I have a feeling that the cherriness would get old after a bit, but the refreshing taste and zest, especially on a hot summer day, would be refreshing. Pairs well with chili, steak, or a good burger.

Another great beer from Atwater brewery. I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't have access to this quality beer. I'm probably gonna pick up a 12 pack for my camping trip.
I'm a big fan of wheat beers, and I'm a fan of cherry beers, but I've never tried a cherry wheat beer. I know Sam Adams makes one, and I've had many chances to try it, but I just never have. But this one, being a Michigan beer, made it to my list. It's the last of my mixed sixer that I bought a while ago. So let's dive in.

Poured into a 16oz pint glass.

A: Copper colored and very transparent. Head is about 1/4 of a finger and stays for a few seconds before slowly dissipating, leaving a ring around the edge of the glass, and some slight lacing. I know I was expecting a reddish hue but it's just not there. Not a fault, just something I'm used to with cherries. An interesting side note is that the lacing that remains is symetrical. Weird.

N: Cherry tartness with citrusy hops up front. A slight malt note towards the end, and no alcohol present.

T: A mild cherry tartness with some zest from the hops up front, but balanced out well by the malt profile. Doesn't leave an after taste, and no alcohol present here. Damn good though. Damn good.

M: Zesty. The tartness and the hops make the mouth feel very lively when I'm drinking this. The body is light, but not as light as...say a light beer. Alcohol isn't noticeable. Unlike most other offerings this doesn't have a great depth to the feeling. You feel it on the tip of your tongue and the roof of your mouth, and then it quickly smooths out to almost a water like consistency on the swallow.

D: Moderate. I have a feeling that the cherriness would get old after a bit, but the refreshing taste and zest, especially on a hot summer day, would be refreshing. Pairs well with chili, steak, or a good burger.

Another great beer from Atwater brewery. I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't have access to this quality beer. I'm probably gonna pick up a 12 pack for my camping trip.

I found out through trial and "error" that I'm allergic to barley beers; but wheat beers don't affect me. I think it must be the kind of yeast.