Beer Review: Badass American Lager


Uwaa OmO
Well I found a 22oz bottle for $2 at my local beer shop. I'll admit, I have low expectations about what I'm about to taste, but I'll try just about any beer once.

A: Well, not surprised here, pale straw color, light head, no retention whatsoever.

S: Powerful smell of corn and adjunct. VERY powerful. This is admittedly a surprise since most American Macro lagers have little to no nose.

T: Well, this explains the smell. VERY sweet corn like taste. High carbonation, no noticeable alcohol. Slight hoppy after taste.

M: Very light bodied, almost like water really. Carbonation very high.

D: This is almost like a soda, so the drinkability is very high. And with the traditional low alcohol of most American macros, it'd take a LOOOOOONNNNGGGGG time to fuck me up.

Overall it's ok. For what I paid for it I'm not disappointed, but I'm also not enthralled with it. Those who don't drink craft beer often or at all would find this beer appealing. As for me, I'll probably pass on it again unless it's free.