Beer Review: Bells Batch 10,000


Uwaa OmO
This is a very special day for me as a beer drinker. I found not one, but TWO extremely rare brews on my way home from work today. While I contemplated reviewing both tonight, I've decided to save the second for a special Christmas eve review. So on to the Batch 10,000. The last of the Bells Batch series, I still have a bottle of the 9000 in my beer cellar. This is a celebration beer for their 10 thousandth batch of beer brewed.

Poured not into my special pint glass, but into my Hard Rock of Venice Pilsner glass.

A: Dark brown opaque body, with an off white head. Head starts off about 1 1/2 fingers high but quickly falls to about a 1/2 finger where it stays for quite some time. Eventually though the head gives way to lacing.

N: Typically when I test the nose of a beer, I have to get fairly close to it to determine certain notes. In this particular case I can smell brewers licorice from a couple feet away. Upon closer inspection the most notable aroma is a high citrus hop smell, with some caramel and roasted malt in the background.

T: For all the hops in the nose of this brew, it's a surprisingly mellow and balanced taste. Licorice is present, as is some roasted and caramel malts, with a note of spicy hops towards the end that lingers pleasantly. A slight alcohol presence is also noted, but not overpowering in anyway.

M: Remarkably light and smooth. For a beer this dark, and with as many flavor notes, I'd expect it to be much heavier. As it stands though, it goes down very smooth and the hops spiciness gives a good warm presence, as does the alcohol.

D: Were it not for the price ($5.00 for a 12oz bottle) I could probably drink a 6 pack of this stuff. I prefer it to the 9000 batch as it's more subtle and less over powering. Those who enjoy Gunniess would also enjoy this, and probably in the same quantities.

Well that's it for now. If you'd like me to review a beer, don't be shy about sending me some.
Yes, I am a bigger fan of stouts and porters than hoppy beer. Next time I see some in the store I'll pick some up.
