Beer Review CBC Summer Teeth kellerbeir

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Appearance, an unfiltered golden orange color that's a bit hazy. It has decent retention and light to moderate tracing.

Pour is effervescent with a bright off white 3 finger head that quickly falls back to one finger with good retention.

Smell, a very refreshing light floral hop aroma with a pleasant citrus side note.

Taste, well balanced and satisfying.

Mouthfeel, very light and crisp. Highly carbonated.

Drinkability, man the name says it all, this is a great hot weather chillin on your patio after work beer. I had to drink two for this review cause I put the first one down in three pulls of the glass.

This beer has also been favorably compared to GI 312 with this beer being preferred.

I like CBC's IPA better but this is a truly good seasonal beer. It is a beer that is light, crisp, drinkable yet still has a satisfying malt flavor. Oh yea.....and the label is pretty cool too! I give it an A to A-.