Beer Review: Columbus Brewery IPA

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Now here's something the locals can brag about. Columbus Brewery was one of the original craft beer microbrewery's to open in the 1980's. To put it in perspective, this IPA is better than both Sierra Nevada IPA and Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA (yea I know....that's a bold comment but I'll stick by it). This IPA is served unfiltered and has a hazy gold orange hue to it. The head is thick and lingering but diminishes with good carbonation. The hop aroma is immeadiatly noticeable and pronounced and complex and it's quite noticeable that a variety of hops are used in the brewing as it is both floral with strong citrus and woody notes. The taste is bursting with hop flavors with a fruity/citrus and sweet background with a hint of pine finish. This IPA is very drinkable with an after taste that leaves you wanting more with a mouthfeel that is medium, sweet with just the right amount of carbonation. If you like IPA's this a must try. This is an excellent beer to pair with a surf and turf dinner or to toss back with your favorite Buffalo wings as the aggresive hop flavor will compliment anything hot and spicy.