Beer Review: Dogfish Head My Antonia


Uwaa OmO
Had to pick up some supplies for camping and saw this at the store. It's a new offering from DFH and since I lose almost all their products, I decided to pick it up. $10 for a 750ml bottle isn't too bad. It's also the first pilsner type beer from DFH so naturally, I had to try it. Poured into my Boston Lager glass

A: Golden in color with slight orangish hue. LOTS oh head, almost 3.5 fingers worth. Head retention is good with very heavy lacing. Head itself is thick and creamy, with a slight off white color.

N: when I first opened the bottle the aroma of Hops hit my nose. Bottle says it's continually hopped and DFH loves heavy hopping so it's not much of a surprise. Hops more citrusy than spicy, no alcohol on the nose, which is a little odd for a 7.5 pilsner,

T: Hops. Not over powering but more pronounced than the malt. Also hops are spicier than the nose would indicate. Other than the hop presence it's very well balanced.

M: Light bodied, very light in fact. Carbonation is a bit on the high side, but nothing like a macro lager. Hops flavor lingers on the tip of my tongue long after each sip.

D: Hop heads will love this beer. It's certainly refreshing in this heat, and I could easily see this whole bottle going in short order. Probably the most easy drinking hoppy beer I've had.

Overall I'm not a fan of hoppy beer much. Nothing wrong with it, just not my style. For those of you who do like hoppy beer I cannot recommend this enough. It's very well done and perfect for the summer.