Beer Review: Founder Dry Hopped Pale Ale


Uwaa OmO
Been a while since I did one of these, figured I'm overdue. And it's finals week, so I need to relax. Listed as only 35 IBUs, I'm predicting it will more replicate English pale ales rather then the hoppier American variety. Poured into my new Samuel Adams Boston Lager glass.

A: A murky golden color on top that gradually draws to a more pale straw on the bottom. Head is moderate in size but very thick in texture and leaves heavy lacing, as well as taking significant time to dissipate.

N: Right when I opened the bottle the aroma of hops hit my nose. Not overtly bitter hops however, more mild and citrusy. Not much of a noticeable malt background, probably just enough to balance out the hops.

T: Starts out subtle and very wet, as it goes down the mild bitterness of the hops becomes more prominent. No noticeable alcohol in the taste. Malts do not leave much character and simply balance the hops, which are mild in both bitterness and citrusyness.

M:Mouthfeel varies from wet and refreshing upfront to a moderate dryness in the back. As i said earlier, no noticeable alcohol so it goes down smooth. Light bodied as is common for the pale ale style.

D: While a bit hoppy for my personal tastes (even at a low 35IBUs) this is none the less a very good and easy drinking beer.Not terribly over powering or unique in any one way, its strength lies in its subtlety. It would easily be a daily drinker where I into hoppy beers. Even still I wouldn't turn it down on occasion.