Beer Review: Rogue Youngers Special Bitter


Uwaa OmO
The store I now frequent had a special on Rogue 22oz bombers, so I picked up a few new ones for the weekend. Tonight was their take on the English ESB or Extra Special Bitter. For those unfamiliar with the style, don't confuse them for the hop-heads favorite. They're typically very well balanced and more than likely considered bitter in the context that most British styles are rather malty.

Anyways, here's the review.

A: Poured into a 16oz pint glass. About 1 half fingers worth of a rich creamy white foam, that dissipates very slowly, leaving little lacing. The color is a moderately cloudy dark amber, almost copper.

N: Noticeable alcohol presence, though not overpowering. Next is a buttery kind of malt sweetness. Little hops.

T: Light flavor at first, followed by a small amount of malt, and an almost butterscotch taste, finishing with a moderate hoppy bitterness towards the back of my mouth.

M: Very little carbonation, no noticeable alcoholic presence.

D: This would make a great session beer, I can easily see myself drinking two or even three of the bombers. Would go great after dinner with some cheesecake or pie.

Once again, if you have something you'd like me to review, send it to more. Or you can send me money to buy it, either way.