Beer Review: Sam Adams American Kriek


Uwaa OmO
That's right mofos, two reviews in one day. I'm un-fucking-stoppable. Anyways I picked this beer up while I was in Boston. Part of the Barrel Room Collection, I'm fairly certain that you can only get this at their brewery. Not positive though. Anyways it's an ale aged in oak barrels with balaton cherries. 7%ABV, comes in 1pt9.4fl bottle, corked just like wine. Poured into my SABL glass.

A: Red. Distinctly red. Appears like a red wine almost, though not as dark or opaque. Head is very thick and measures about 2 fingers full. Dissipates slowly and leaves a 1/8in ring of slightly red foam around the edge of the glass.

N: Well no surprise that cherries are noticeable. No alcohol though, which isn't too uncommon for a 7% beer but I was expecting it. No over powering notes in the nose, just a gentle waft of cherries. Hops seem to be minimal, as do malts.

T: Manly as I am, I'm a big fan of cherry beers. Something about them is...appealing for lack of a better word. And in this case the cherry flavor is right up front, just like in the nose. Not overtly sweet, with just the right amount of tartness, this is really more comparable to a light wine than other beers. The malt and hop background balance each other damn near perfectly, with just a touch of hops at the end to accent the cherry taste.

M: High carbonation, which leaves a nice feeling as it comes in and as it goes down. The body is also more akin to wine than beer, being rather light but very...potent I guess you could say. It's not overpowering in any sense of the word, but you certainly feel it's complexity with each sip.

D: Honestly, if it weren't for being a absolute bitch to uncork, or that it is so rare and expensive, I could do a bottle of this stuff a week. It's more of a sipping beer and would pair well with red meats, but does just fine on it's own as a refreshing drink. Would recommend to anyone who even has a modest appreciation for beer.