Beer Review: Sam Adams New World Tripel


Uwaa OmO
Part three of the Sam Adams BRC. Don't think any back story is needed at this point. Poured into a pint glass (all special glasses are packed up).

A:Golden yellow and VERY foamy. Head is very thick and bright white. Head is 3 fingers high and retention is high as well. Slightly cloudy with clear yeast sediments. Very bubbly, which helps head retention.

N: Hops, which is expected for a tripel. A good mix of fruity and spicy hops but no malt is present. Neither is there noticeable alcohol in the nose. Pretty impressive for a 10%. By the way, holy fuck its 10%! Some flowery notes at the end, so I'm guessing it's a grab bag of hops.

T: Ok...hops up front but not bitter at all. Very mild on the spicy and big on the fruit notes. Malt profile is not noticeable. Alcohol warms the tip of the tongue but isn't found anywhere else in the taste. Very fruity is the best way to describe this, and for all the hops in it pretty low in the IBUs.

M: Bubbly and warm on the tip of the tongue. Body is moderate, and considering the alcohol and hops profile, pretty light. Like I said in taste alcohol isn't noticeable beyond the tip of my tongue. Carbonation gives way pretty fast paving the way for all the hops.

D: Well I'm not a fan of Belgian styles in general or tripels in particular, but this is certainly a fine beer. Coming in a 750ml bottle, it's enough on it's own and I don't think any more is really doable.

Overall this pairs well with spicy food or white meat, and is just fine by itself. It'd be better in a warmer season like summer but still goes good on most any occasion. For sure would recommend to any and all hop heads. I wouldn't mind getting it again if I can.
Holy fuck, do not drink this unless you want to spend some time slacking off. I was NOT expecting this.