Beer Review: Sam Adams Old Fezzywig Ale


Uwaa OmO
Winter has always been my favorite time of year. Getting to gorge myself on food, seeing my family, buying myself useless presents. Not to mention the calming of the fire, the beauty of the snow. And last, but certainly not least, the beer. And I can safely say few are better than Old Fezzywig.

Available only as part of the Sam Adams winter collection 12 pack, it's a price well paid. Also a fairly rare style (Winter Warmer) found in America, making it that much greater a treasure.

Served in my SPECIAL 16oz PINT GLASS

A: Ranges in hue from dark copper at the bottom to near black at the top. A fingers worth of solid, slightly tan, foam for a head, that dissipates over a minute leaving some lacing around the edges.

N: Slight hints of fruit, nutmeg, cinnamon. Maybe some honey? No noticeable alcohol. More malt than hops present but the hops does give a citric aroma.

T: A subtle blend of roasted and chocolate malts up front, some hops citrus towards the middle and finishes with a small dryness. Slight touch of alcohol, but only as a balance towards the flavor.

M: Goes down smooth with a moderate body. In fact the body is somewhat on the light side considering the malt presence. Finishes slightly dry but leaves a nice warm feeling long after.

D: VERY drinkable. Despite it's heaviness (compared to BMC type beers) it goes down smooth and easy. A great combination with dessert or alone as an after dinner drink around the fire place.

I would recommend this to anyone and everyone who enjoys fine beer.
I hate to break this to you Grind. Sam Adams is made in Cincinnati. Their offices are in Boston.

it was founded in boston, invented by some bostonians, that went to an elite massachusetts ivy league school. the beer was originally called sam adams boston lager. The first time they sold it, it was in boston. then we bought up prole city cincinnati to do our slave labor. :good4u: