Beer Review: Sam Adams Stoney Brook Red


Uwaa OmO
Another of their barrel room collection I picked up in Boston. I wanted something special tonight, since I made my infamous Bourbon-Ghetti. Figured this barrel aged beer would pair well with the barrel aged bourbon I used in the sauce. Let's see.

Poured into the Sam Adams pilsner glass. That I BOUGHT. Stealing beer glasses is for profligates.

A: Brownish red with a contrasting white creamy head. Head dissipates quickly but laces very well around the edge of the glass. Redness takes over brown as the beer settles. Never seen that before.

N: Hops up front, but citrusy. Tart cherries in the back and seems to be some alcohol. It is a 9% beer so that's acceptable. No malt to be found here though. On to the tasting!

T: Right off the bat I taste cherry sweetness, and a light zestiness from the hops. Or I'm assuming it's the hops. It's probably the most pleasant hoppy beer I've had to date. Enough malt on the back of the beer to balance out everything but not enough to have a distinct character. Not that it matters, since the cherriness and hoppiness are very pleasing, and I typically hate hoppy beers.

M: Bubbly, and enough tartness to make my mouth pucker a bit on reflex. Alcohol hits the throat slightly on the way down but is otherwise not noticed. Body is between light and medium.

D: Like most dinner beers it's a sipper, not a gulper. More akin to a wine than a beer in most drinking respects, including the bottle. One 750ml of these and I'll call it a night. Easily goes down though and if I were throwing a fancier party, I'd certainly stock it in place of wine.

Overall I love this stuff. Hope Grind will send me another bottle so I don't have to drive all the way there to get it.
By the way, tried Brooklyn Lager the other day. It's a nice all year round amber lager and pretty versatile from a pairing stand point. What I found appealing about it is it's history. According to what I was reading Brooklyn Lager was a typical pre-prohibition brewery in the New York City region and it was pretty typical of lagers of that time.

Like the Schlitz re-issue of it's original 1960 formula it kinda gives you and idea how badly macro-lagers have fallen do to the use of adjuncts.
Oh....and just to set the record's buying a beer glass that's profligate (not to mention pretentious) as hell......stealing one is just down right cheap!