Beer Review: Samuel Smiths Imperial Stoudt


Uwaa OmO
I'm a big fan of British beer, far more so then German beer (doesn't mean I don't love a good bock or dunklewiess though). So it should come as no surprise I'm drinking a high alcohol, heavy bodied, RIS from a noted British brewer. RIS (Russian Imperial Stouts for you beer proles) are one of my favorite styles of beer, so I try them as often as I can find them. Anyway's on to the review.

A: Typical of the style, it is black. About as black as motor oil, with a very rich, tan head that spans about 3 finger widths in my glass. Head recedes to about 1 1/2 fingers and stays for a minute or so, so I'd rate it's retention very high, with a good lacing effect long after.

N: Malts, lots of malts. Again this is typical of the style, and rather pleasing to me, so I won't complain. Specifically I noted a good roast, some caramel and what I believe to be hazel. No noticeable alcohol, but that doesn't mean it isn't lying in wait.

T: Sweet, but not overtly so, with enough hops to balance out the presence, though not enough to have their own flavor. The alcohol hits in after you swallow and offers a nice warming sensation, though it too is balanced and not overpowering.

M: Surprisingly, for a beer this rich in flavor and dark in color, the body is remarkably light. Still heavier than most lager an d lighter style beers, but not as heavy as most RIS I've had in the past.

D: Because of the light body this is more drinkable than your typical RIS, though that's not saying much. It's still something to sip on, preferably after dinner. I'd say I could have three at most in a sitting and still find them pleasant. Would be a lovely drink to go with some chocolate cake or some fudge.

Overall this is one great beer. As I said earlier, I love RIS and this is a great example of one. I'd recommend it to anyone who can handle it.