Beer Review: Sanders Chocolate Stout


Uwaa OmO
Rarely do I play regional favorites or try to imbue a deeper message into my beer reviews. It's my opinion that good beer is meant to be enjoyed by every person. But this is a special case. Sanders Chocolate Stout is a special run done by the Detroit Brewing Company. Sanders is a legendary symbol here in Detroit, famous for their quality ice cream. As such, this beer is a testament to how great Detroit truly is. (God I hope writing this portion before even pouring the beer doesn't bite me in the ass).

Poured into my 12oz Nonic Lager glass.

A: Deep dark brown, almost black. Semi translucent though so some light does shine through, giving a hue almost like Coca Cola. Head has a tan tint to it and starts at two fingers high, though dissipates quickly to a more moderate 1/2 finger. Good lacing and the head is fairly thick to boot.
N: Mild brewers chocolate notes along with subtle caramel roast in the back. No noticeable alcohol in the nose. Hop presence isn't noted but the lack of over powering malt would at this point indicate the beer is well balanced.
T: Smooth chocolate up front with just enough hops to give it a little spice on the back. Slight touch of alcohol on the way down, but not in any way over powering. The caramel and roast notes that are found in the nose aren't as prevalent though sadly, but they still balance the beer out nicely.
M: Carbonation is low for as much head this beer had and as well as it retained it. The body is surprisingly light for something so dark, but still heavy enough to feel like a stout should. As with taste alcohol is present on the tail end of the sip, but only slightly. The zesty hops at a small kick as well towards the final moments so it can be a surprise to some
D: While the body is light enough to be classified as a heavy lager, the flavor notes and alcohol regulate this to a dessert or after dinner drink, at most 4 in a night.

Overall this is a solid beer, great for the winter time and for small celebrations, especially with a good cheesecake. Sadly, for those not located in the Detroit area, I doubt you'd be able to obtain it. Such is life in proleville.
Does it not compare to other Wee Heavy's or do you not like the style?

I don't specifically recall many particular Wee Heavy's that I've had. The only one that jumps into mind is the Wee Heavy from Iron Hill Pub & Brewery, an establishment I used to frequent when I lived elsewhere, and I recall enjoying that one.

It seemed overly sweet. Really couldn't drink more than one in a sitting.
I don't specifically recall many particular Wee Heavy's that I've had. The only one that jumps into mind is the Wee Heavy from Iron Hill Pub & Brewery, an establishment I used to frequent when I lived elsewhere, and I recall enjoying that one.

It seemed overly sweet. Really couldn't drink more than one in a sitting.

It's typically a sweet style so you may not like it much outside of a few incantations. I'll have to try some myself though.