Beer Review: Sergeants American Ale


Uwaa OmO
3am and I'm tasting beer. Of course it may have something to do with my broken A/C and it being 90 degrees outside. But none the less, I promised more reviews, and I intend to deliver. I admit I'm a tad weary of this beer. The name is more than a tad similar to Old Sergeant brand liquor, which for anyone who has tasted, I wouldn't recommend in any setting. But the beer is from the Michigan Brewers Guild, and the cap isn't a twist off, so let's dive in.

Poured into a 12oz pint glass.

A: Yellowish in color, between golden and straw. No head to speak of, and no lacing. Seems well carbonated but it doesn't last long enough to form a head. Slightly translucent. Looks like I can see yeast particles floating around, so that's a plus in my book.

N: Malty background, with possibly some adjunct. Hops is present but not notable, so it's just their for balance. No alcohol in the nose. Sweetness more applicable word I can think of.

T: Eh, not bad on the taste. Malt and hops balance out nicely and leave a good wet finish with just a HINT of sweetness on the front of the tongue. Alcohol not noticeable here. I'm searching for more words to describe it, but honestly it tastes like beer. Good beer, but still beer.

M: Light in body and very smooth finish, the carbonation lingers on the tongue though, long after the sip/gulp is finished. Gotta say it's quenching to the palatte though. And like the last two categories, alcohol isn't noticeable here either.

D: High. As high as any American lager. I know they claim it as an ale, but it isn't. It's a pale lager. A good one, but not a great one. I can't complain though, it goes down good and I could see drinking a case over the weekend, if I were so inclined.

Overall a good beer. It's not special in any way. It's better than the Bud, Miller, Coors standard fare, but not on the level of....say Bells Oberon. Of course it's not as expensive as Oberon either, so what could one realistically expect? If you have the chance to pick up a six pack, do so. It's good to get away from the standard mediocrity of adjunct beers once in a while. I'll probably pick this up again, especially for the upcomming fireworks season.
3am and I'm tasting beer. Of course it may have something to do with my broken A/C and it being 90 degrees outside. But none the less, I promised more reviews, and I intend to deliver. I admit I'm a tad weary of this beer. The name is more than a tad similar to Old Sergeant brand liquor, which for anyone who has tasted, I wouldn't recommend in any setting. But the beer is from the Michigan Brewers Guild, and the cap isn't a twist off, so let's dive in.

Poured into a 12oz pint glass.

A: Yellowish in color, between golden and straw. No head to speak of, and no lacing. Seems well carbonated but it doesn't last long enough to form a head. Slightly translucent. Looks like I can see yeast particles floating around, so that's a plus in my book.

N: Malty background, with possibly some adjunct. Hops is present but not notable, so it's just their for balance. No alcohol in the nose. Sweetness more applicable word I can think of.

T: Eh, not bad on the taste. Malt and hops balance out nicely and leave a good wet finish with just a HINT of sweetness on the front of the tongue. Alcohol not noticeable here. I'm searching for more words to describe it, but honestly it tastes like beer. Good beer, but still beer.

M: Light in body and very smooth finish, the carbonation lingers on the tongue though, long after the sip/gulp is finished. Gotta say it's quenching to the palatte though. And like the last two categories, alcohol isn't noticeable here either.

D: High. As high as any American lager. I know they claim it as an ale, but it isn't. It's a pale lager. A good one, but not a great one. I can't complain though, it goes down good and I could see drinking a case over the weekend, if I were so inclined.

Overall a good beer. It's not special in any way. It's better than the Bud, Miller, Coors standard fare, but not on the level of....say Bells Oberon. Of course it's not as expensive as Oberon either, so what could one realistically expect? If you have the chance to pick up a six pack, do so. It's good to get away from the standard mediocrity of adjunct beers once in a while. I'll probably pick this up again, especially for the upcomming fireworks season.

Billy, have you ever thought of submitting any of your views to Beer Review, Barleyie or any of magazines, you doa seriously fine job and I have actually tried beers on your recommendation. I would love to take you to our local microbreweries if you are ever in Alaska! My treat!

Thanks, I really enjoy your reviews. If there is anything Alaska you would like to try, let me know!
Billy, have you ever thought of submitting any of your views to Beer Review, Barleyie or any of magazines, you doa seriously fine job and I have actually tried beers on your recommendation. I would love to take you to our local microbreweries if you are ever in Alaska! My treat!

Thanks, I really enjoy your reviews. If there is anything Alaska you would like to try, let me know!

Thanks, I pretty much just post them here and on GBF. Plan on doing another one tonight, and another article.