Beer Review: Sierra Neveda 30th Anniversary Ale


Uwaa OmO
Got this a while ago, was gonna have it on my anniversary of gettin out of the Corps. Forgot about it, decided tonight was as good as any.

A: For starters, this doesn't look like a typical SN beer. Black as night, with a very thick, slightly burnt, creamy head. Head retention is outstanding, with good lacing.

N: More hoppy than malty, which is odd for a beer this dark, but typical for SN. Note that the hops aren't overpowering, just substantially more noticeable than I'm used to. Alcohol is also somewhat noticeable, and of course roasted malts. Slight hint of anise.

T: Alcohol. Not in your face about it, but you certainly notice it up front, along with some hops. The trail end is a nice roasted malty taste, some hints of caramel and hazelnut.

M: Heavy, obviously. Slight alcoholic burn at the bottom of your throat, but nothing unpleasant. It's actually refreshing. Carbonation is low.

D: A sipper, no question. Try to share some with friends as the bottle conditioning means it won't store after popping the cork. Goes great after dinner with some Tiramisu.
Got this a while ago, was gonna have it on my anniversary of gettin out of the Corps. Forgot about it, decided tonight was as good as any.

A: For starters, this doesn't look like a typical SN beer. Black as night, with a very thick, slightly burnt, creamy head. Head retention is outstanding, with good lacing.

N: More hoppy than malty, which is odd for a beer this dark, but typical for SN. Note that the hops aren't overpowering, just substantially more noticeable than I'm used to. Alcohol is also somewhat noticeable, and of course roasted malts. Slight hint of anise.

T: Alcohol. Not in your face about it, but you certainly notice it up front, along with some hops. The trail end is a nice roasted malty taste, some hints of caramel and hazelnut.

M: Heavy, obviously. Slight alcoholic burn at the bottom of your throat, but nothing unpleasant. It's actually refreshing. Carbonation is low.

D: A sipper, no question. Try to share some with friends as the bottle conditioning means it won't store after popping the cork. Goes great after dinner with some Tiramisu.
Can't wait, I was having an Avery this evening, good ole Mephistopheles' Stout, yummy!
Maharaja Imperial India Pale Ale by Avery Brewing. If you are a hop head then try this beer. It is better than Ruination IPA from Stone. It has 102 IBU's and 10.2% ABV. It is an intensly malted and hopped ale. It is truly the king of all IPA's.
Maharaja Imperial India Pale Ale by Avery Brewing. If you are a hop head then try this beer. It is better than Ruination IPA from Stone. It has 102 IBU's and 10.2% ABV. It is an intensly malted and hopped ale. It is truly the king of all IPA's.
I am not big on IPA's but I am always willing to try something new!
I have been a beer snob since I was 16 years old. I would go buy beer illegally and would buy St Pauli Dark, Guiness, Heinie dark. That was about the limit of good beers in 1982-83. I would only drink Miller if there was nothing else. Coors was and is horse piss with fizz, and Bud sucks buttermilk through a crazy straw.
If I just want to get smashed for the cheapest possible I can always buy everclear. I don't see the point of cheap beer. It's actually probably easier just to drink the everclear straight than to drink bud light.
I have been a beer snob since I was 16 years old. I would go buy beer illegally and would buy St Pauli Dark, Guiness, Heinie dark. That was about the limit of good beers in 1982-83. I would only drink Miller if there was nothing else. Coors was and is horse piss with fizz, and Bud sucks buttermilk through a crazy straw.

I didn't start really drinking until I was in my 30's.

Never liked it much until then.

That's when I got a divorce.

True story.
When I was a kid I had one of those miniature glass A&W mugs. My dad would put it in the freezer with his beer mug and then give me a half mug of Oly Gold when he would have a beer. He would go to jail for that now days
When I was a kid I had one of those miniature glass A&W mugs. My dad would put it in the freezer with his beer mug and then give me a half mug of Oly Gold when he would have a beer. He would go to jail for that now days

Good point! Things are much different now days.
When I was a kid I had one of those miniature glass A&W mugs. My dad would put it in the freezer with his beer mug and then give me a half mug of Oly Gold when he would have a beer. He would go to jail for that now days

As if they didn't have laws against underage drinking when you were a kid. No one is going to find out about it now just as no one found out about it then.