Beer review: Steel Reserve


Served in my special 16oz pint glass from the bottle.

A: The color of piss.

N: It has a smell?

T: Like powdered corn and ethanol with a distinctive hint of sawdust. Glorious.

M: Brings up memories of all the vomit it has coerced out of my stomach. Also, like water and ethanol, this isn't fucking difficult you dumb beer snobs.

D: Pretty hard to get down the first two or so cans, but after that it's all good.

O: Overall the best beer everywhere of all time possible. Deserves a medal of honor and lifetime pension.
Served in my special 16oz pint glass from the bottle.

A: The color of piss.

N: It has a smell?

T: Like powdered corn and ethanol with a distinctive hint of sawdust. Glorious.

M: Brings up memories of all the vomit it has coerced out of my stomach. Also, like water and ethanol, this isn't fucking difficult you dumb beer snobs.

D: Pretty hard to get down the first two or so cans, but after that it's all good.

O: Overall the best beer everywhere of all time possible. Deserves a medal of honor and lifetime pension.

Proof positive you are a comedy genius. :awesome:
Served in my special 16oz pint glass from the bottle.

A: The color of piss.

N: It has a smell?

T: Like powdered corn and ethanol with a distinctive hint of sawdust. Glorious.

M: Brings up memories of all the vomit it has coerced out of my stomach. Also, like water and ethanol, this isn't fucking difficult you dumb beer snobs.

D: Pretty hard to get down the first two or so cans, but after that it's all good.

O: Overall the best beer everywhere of all time possible. Deserves a medal of honor and lifetime pension.

Hmmmm reminds me of Schaefer's Beer. Hard to believe it was once the most popular beer in the nation.
Naa Schaefer's was a tragic fall. They actually were the most popular brand of beer in the nation for about 30 years but in the 1970's they started messing with the brewing formula adding adjuncts to the recipe to decrease cost and make a cheaper product. It also made a lower quality product The Schaefer Beer being made is nothing close to the quality that it was made in the 1950's and it had to be a good product of it wouldn't of been so popular. Now it up there with Keystone Light. It's pretty awful stuff now.