Beer Review: Wells Bombardier


Uwaa OmO
Been a while since I did a review. So here is another fine British brown ale to add to my collection.

Served in my special 16oz pint glass from the bottle.

A: Deep copper with a reddish hue. Light foamy head approximately 1 finger of head. Head disappears relatively quickly

N: Slight hoppy aroma, with a light malt touch towards the end.

T: Slight hop bitterness upfront, quickly subsides to a light malt taste, maybe some roasting hints. Finishes without any alcohol notes.

M: Moderately carbonated, a slightly buzz around the edge of my lips, which is odd but not exactly unwelcome. Not too heavy, indeed feels rather light, almost as much as an American Macro.

D: Very drinkable. In fact this would make a good every day drinker or session beer.

Overall I'm rather pleased with this beer. While not impressive in any particular way, it's still a good beer, and the price makes it good for everyday drinking.
I've had that before...on tap though.

Unfortunately, it was some time ago and i can't remember much about it. I always remember the names but after that it all falls into a blur.
Been a while since I did a review. So here is another fine British brown ale to add to my collection.

Served in my special 16oz pint glass from the bottle.

A: Deep copper with a reddish hue. Light foamy head approximately 1 finger of head. Head disappears relatively quickly

N: Slight hoppy aroma, with a light malt touch towards the end.

T: Slight hop bitterness upfront, quickly subsides to a light malt taste, maybe some roasting hints. Finishes without any alcohol notes.

M: Moderately carbonated, a slightly buzz around the edge of my lips, which is odd but not exactly unwelcome. Not too heavy, indeed feels rather light, almost as much as an American Macro.

D: Very drinkable. In fact this would make a good every day drinker or session beer.

Overall I'm rather pleased with this beer. While not impressive in any particular way, it's still a good beer, and the price makes it good for everyday drinking.

It should pack a punch. Bombadier Billy Wells was a Brit heavyweight boxer in the early years of the 20C.
Sadly I have not Tom. I've tried a lot of beer in my short time, but I've yet to try them all. Not that I've given up trying.
Been a while since I did a review. So here is another fine British brown ale to add to my collection.

Served in my special 16oz pint glass from the bottle.

A: Deep copper with a reddish hue. Light foamy head approximately 1 finger of head. Head disappears relatively quickly

N: Slight hoppy aroma, with a light malt touch towards the end.

T: Slight hop bitterness upfront, quickly subsides to a light malt taste, maybe some roasting hints. Finishes without any alcohol notes.

M: Moderately carbonated, a slightly buzz around the edge of my lips, which is odd but not exactly unwelcome. Not too heavy, indeed feels rather light, almost as much as an American Macro.

D: Very drinkable. In fact this would make a good every day drinker or session beer.

Overall I'm rather pleased with this beer. While not impressive in any particular way, it's still a good beer, and the price makes it good for everyday drinking.

you should do this professionally....that was good
Sadly I have not Tom. I've tried a lot of beer in my short time, but I've yet to try them all. Not that I've given up trying.

If you ever get the chance you should get to the Great British Beer Festival, the next one is pencilled in for August 2011. There will be over 450 beers from all over the world.

Great British Beer Festival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:GBBF_2.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/0/09/GBBF_2.jpg/200px-GBBF_2.jpg
wont be long now until capt billy will start saying stuff like "oh... you may not like that, it may be a little to sophisticated for your pallet." At this point, his quest to be a pretentious fuckhead, will finally be complete. And he will be at the highest level of youngins pwningness.
wont be long now until capt billy will start saying stuff like "oh... you may not like that, it may be a little to sophisticated for your pallet." At this point, his quest to be a pretentious fuckhead, will finally be complete. And he will be at the highest level of youngins pwningness.
Yeah, that's not likely to happen. I am the king of proles remember?
do you like dogfishhead and magichat?
Dogfish Head yes, never had anything from Magic Hat. It's available and I always think about picking something up when I see it, but then something else catches my eye and I get that instead. Dogfish Head actually makes the greatest beer I've ever had, and is my 3rd favorite brewery.
To me the best Dogfish Head is their Sah'Tea. It's their recreation of an incredibly old (from around 600 AD) Finnish recipe. You might not like it though, it's a bit complex for your pallet ;)

Seriously though it's an odd taste for a beer. Doesn't mean you won't like it though. And I'll pick up a #9 next time I hit Kroger.
To me the best Dogfish Head is their Sah'Tea. It's their recreation of an incredibly old (from around 600 AD) Finnish recipe. You might not like it though, it's a bit complex for your pallet ;)

Seriously though it's an odd taste for a beer. Doesn't mean you won't like it though. And I'll pick up a #9 next time I hit Kroger.

i actually like some odd tasting beer. I have to keep up my own pretentious level. I used to drink strictly microbrews all the time. but nowadays im a bit more out of the loop. I also have made my own beer on a few occasions. which was awesome.
i actually like some odd tasting beer. I have to keep up my own pretentious level. I used to drink strictly microbrews all the time. but nowadays im a bit more out of the loop. I also have made my own beer on a few occasions. which was awesome.
The only booze I've made before was moonshine. 200 proof. Used to sell it back in the day too. Was awesome.
Dogfish Head yes, never had anything from Magic Hat. It's available and I always think about picking something up when I see it, but then something else catches my eye and I get that instead. Dogfish Head actually makes the greatest beer I've ever had, and is my 3rd favorite brewery.
What is your first, I can't remember?