
Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
A woman was sleeping in her bed when her husband crashing through the front door at 3 am waked her up. He staggered and tried to get up the stairs, " what are you doing" she shouted, the husband replies " I’m trying to get a gallon of beer up the stairs" "leave it down there" she bellowed "I cant" he replied " I’ve drunk it".
Uh....last I heard neither of you two clowns were exactly famous for making anyone laugh. Well....that's not exactly correct.....Skidmark is...but were not laughing with him were laughing at him.
Uh....last I heard neither of you two clowns were exactly famous for making anyone laugh. Well....that's not exactly correct.....Skidmark is...but were not laughing with him were laughing at him.

A well known weaver of words tried to find the right word, the mot juste for two whole weeks and then announced, 'I have found it. 'Fortnight.'

OK, OK, you dont have to laugh.