APP - Before We Head to Libya Again: Learning Wrong Lessons From a Failed Intervention


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In an interview on Fox News Sunday, President Obama said that the 2011 Libya intervention was the greatest disaster and worst mistake of his presidency. Obama apologized for the lack of post-intervention planning, but not for the intervention itself, adding that intervening in Libya “was the right thing to do.” As rumors abound that Europe again prepares to intervene in Libya it is worth analyzing the lessons of the last intervention.
The intervention in Libya is arguably considered disastrous. It provided a foothold for the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL), destabilized an entire coastline only miles from Europe, and rendered the entire region a launching ground for human smugglers profiting on migrant trafficking, not just from Middle East, but from as far away as Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, and Pakistan. As a rookie foreign affairs blogger five years ago, I argued that plunging into in Libya would be imprudent. Academics such as Stephen Walt, Micah Zenko, and others repeatedly warned against intervening in Libya.

The reasons were simple.

There was never any doubt Gaddafi was brutal; he was a secular authoritarian leader who ruled Libya with an iron fist. There were complaints about the general well-being of Libyans and the stagnating economy, but overall, Libya was an island of stability especially when compared to countries in and around that state. Libya, was, although, one of the primary rogue states during the 1980s and 1990s. The fate of Saddam Hussein also made him realize he needed the reconsider his hostile approach to the West. As such, Gaddafi gave up his nuclear weapons program and assisted in tackling jihadists and intelligence cooperation. Gaddafi’s human rights record was horrifying, but qualitatively no different than other allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. One had to tolerate his rambling, mind-numbing rants in the United Nations, to be certain—but Libya was crucial in securing an entire borderline between the continent of Africa and Europe.
Then, a small group of radicals supported by Islamist elements from around the world waged a brutal, sectarian, and tribalistic campaign against the state.

The Obama administration was still fresh and optimistic after the Egyptian protests and toppling of Hosni Mubarak. Washington joined with a number of NATO and European allies to enforce the United Nations Security Council Resolution-imposed ceasefire and support the growing anti-Gaddafi forces on the ground. Regardless of the intentions of the coalition, the Libyan intervention resulted in the death of Gaddafi and sparked widespread instability. The civil war that followed rages on to this day, and Libya is now a battleground for rival Islamist forces. The world watches the humanitarian disaster in horror, and migrants flee unguarded coastlines to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean to Europe.

The Libya intervention was arguably the first test for the Obama administration’s “reset” with Russia, announced in 2009. The reset had thawed relations and led to the American downsizing of planned missile defenses in Eastern Europe, a move applauded by Russia. As a result, Russia also stood down and refrained from vetoing the U.N. Security Council Resolution authorizing the mission to protect civilians from Gaddafi. The mission morphed into regime change, which worsened the siege mentality of Kremlin, as evidenced by Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov’s caustic remarks about avoiding Syria turning into another Libya. Further, there are structural arguments that the Libyan intervention influenced Moscow and even Beijing about how modern statecraft would be conducted. In this argument, the realist “might is right” principle was then reflected in further Russian behavior in Eastern Europe and even in Syria.

President Obama tried to resist the temptation to intervene in Libya, but he was swayed by Europe and his own cabinet. Five years after the uprising, the Libyan state is hardly recognizable. Realists opposed and remain skeptical about humanitarian intervention. In a historically fragile and tribalistic society, interventions that do not possess a well-defined and concrete plan to establish a credible government are likely to create even more humanitarian crises in the future. Recent signs point to further U.S. involvement to stabilize Libya, as U.S. air craft bombed an Islamic State convoy, including those involved in the recent beach massacre in Tunisia. According to leaked documents, the EU is considering sending troops to Libya. Inevitably, Europe will not be able to manage such an intervention alone and may drag the United States into the fray.

In a Foreign Affairs article, Alan Kuperman wrote that “Libya was an abject failure, judged even by its own standards. Libya has not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it has devolved into a failed state.” Before further engagement in Libya, policymakers should consider that there exists no evidence that a U.S.- and European-led intervention would improve human lives or resolve any of the structural problems of Libya. Libya will remain a deeply divided society on tribal and ethnic lines, plagued by economic stagnation and massive corruption. In such a setting, another intervention would only fuel anti-Western sentiments, which could further destabilize conditions and help ISIL recruit. If strictly judged from a cost-benefit analysis, a further intervention might result in the increased chances of terrorist attacks in mainland Europe directly correlated to more refugees pouring in from the unguarded northern Libyan coastlines and border. Not to mention, it will be a further waste of millions of dollars, without any tangible short-term gains, and that will be difficult to justify to the Euro-American electorate.

In carrying out the Libya intervention, President Obama clarified once and for all that he is a Wilsonian idealist at the end of the day. He is not a realist, not that there were any last remnants of doubt. There were other ways of dealing with civil wars in the Middle East and North Africa, reflecting different grand strategies of area containment. Obama arguably learned the wrong lessons from his administration’s misadventure. If these lessons are internalized, future U.S. presidents and policymakers might quite possibly continue to commit the same mistakes, over and over again when it comes to intervening in Middle East, thereby jeopardizing relations with other powers.
There is much talk that the new Unity government ( supposedly to replace the existing 2 other governments) should be stabilized/accepted
and then right back in for the EU ( and the US) for another round of bombing/special forces ( following the Syrian template)

The article makes a good case on why the next intervention is as bad as the last.
Islamic State militants staged attacks on Thursday between their Libyan stronghold of Sirte and the city of Misrata, killing five people, officials said.

The jihadist group said it had taken control of several villages in the area following attacks on checkpoints, though reports that local security forces had retreated could not immediately be confirmed.

Islamic State took advantage of Libya's security vacuum and political turmoil to establish itself in Sirte last year. It controls a strip of coast about 250 km (155 miles) long around the city, but it has struggled to hold ground elsewhere in the country.

The West is hoping a U.N.-backed government that arrived in Tripoli at the end of March will be able to unite Libya's armed factions to take on Islamic State. But efforts to counter the group have so far depended on loose alliances of armed brigades that supported rival governments in Tripoli and the east.

Aziz Issa, the spokesman for Misrata central hospital, said three members of the local security forces had been killed in an attack on a checkpoint at Abu Grain, about 140 km (85 miles) west of Sirte.

He said about 40 people had been wounded in the attack and clashes that followed, and that they were still being brought to the hospital late on Thursday.

Separately, militants carried out a bomb attack in Baghla, to the south, a local official and a resident said. The official, from the nearby town of Bani Walid, said two residents were killed in the bombing.

Islamic State said in statement that its fighters had gained control over several villages in the area, including Baghla, Zamzam, and Abu Najaym, as well as the town of Abu Grain.

The group's militants regularly venture across the main road leading south from Misrata, and have carried out raids and attacks in the area before, including against checkpoints manned by brigades from Misrata.

The attacks on Thursday came as military forces in eastern Libya said they were preparing for a campaign to recapture Sirte.

There have also been reports that Misrata brigades were mobilising to advance against Islamic State, and pictures posted on social media last week showed convoys of dozens of vehicles on the road south from Misrata.

The U.N.-backed unity government has urged armed factions to hold back from attacking Sirte until it creates a unified military command.