Behold the glory of my 1-bit Minecraft Adder!



The closest switch controls the carry on bit, the second closest is the first number to be added (your can always choose your favorite number, as long as your favorite number is 1 or 0) and the third is the second number to be added.

The two torches on the left over there are the display. The first one is the sum, and the second one is the carry over bit that, again, would be mostly useful if I decided to implement further bits.


This is a cluster of NAND gates. Most beginners implement these designs with ors, ands, and xors, but I decided that since I was so leet I would just go with the universal logic gate like a real engineer. It was a bad idea. Caused a lot of headaches. If I implement further bits I'm definitely doing it the easy way.


More leetness.
there was this huge nerd on youtube that took it waay further than you did O_O

[ame=""]YouTube - 16-bit ALU in minecraft[/ame]

dont be this guy wm O_O
With the design I'm using you'd have to build one of these for every single bit, so I'd have to build SIXTEEN to have sixteen bits. That would be a fucking monster. I'm not sure how this guy does it. I'm sure he's using something more advanced than my primitive ripple-carry design, though. An ALU can add, subtract, multiply, etc... etc... and when he adds some memory and such to it it will be an actual CPU.

Did he build the entire thing by hand?

I could easily add subtraction capabilities to this just by adding a handle that complements the second bit. Then it would be an add and subtractor! I could also build a binary to decimal or hexadecimal converter and output to a seven segment display.
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With the design I'm using you'd have to build one of these for every single bit, so I'd have to build SIXTEEN to have sixteen bits. That would be a fucking monster. I'm not sure how this guy does it. I'm sure he's using something more advanced than my primitive ripple-carry design, though. An ALU can add, subtract, multiply, etc... etc... and when he adds some memory and such to it it will be an actual CPU.

Did he build the entire thing by hand?

I could easily add subtraction capabilities to this just by adding a handle that complements the second bit. Then it would be an add and subtractor! I could also build a binary to decimal or hexadecimal converter and output to a seven segment display.

Thanks for regaling everyone, with what is obviously NERD ENVY.