Satire for Sanity
‘Hat of genocide’: Beijing accuses Washington of wiping out Native Americans, while blasting US rumor-mongering in Xinjiang
A renovated section of the Old City in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, China
Beijing has dismissed US allegations of genocide in its Xinjiang region as “absolutely ridiculous and completely contrary to the facts,” and said it’s the lawmakers in Washington who should be wearing the “hat of genocide.”
Speaking on Wednesday, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Beijing firmly opposes the US’ insistence on spreading rumors and false information about China’s internal affairs, calling on Washington to provide real evidence.
Regarding the rumors concerning China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang, Zhao stated that the Uighur population has doubled from 5.55 million to more than 12 million in the past 40 years.
The spokesman contended that the so-called “hat of genocide” is America’s to keep, as he accused Washington of wiping out the native Indian population of North America.
'.......which nobody can deny...........'
Of course, the First American genocide occurred before the defeat of German fascism and the advent of international law prohibiting such acts of barbarism. Not so the slow genocide perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Jewish fascists of Izrael. This act of modern-day barbarism is supported by the United States. The Chinese haven't gotten around to mentioning that yet- but they will. This is a prime example of how blanket support for Izraeli criminality presents America as World Hypocrite No.1 and reduces its world influence to military power alone- devoid of moral substance.
The rest of the world is quite capable of dealing with China's alleged excesses, likewise the Myanmar military coup atrocities. As a supporter of past genocides and coups the hypocritical US should sit down and shut up. It's diluting the moral opposition.
This is directed at successive US administrations, of course. The American people have long been deceived into electing them.
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