Beijing’s Attempt to Influence Wisconsin


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Beijing’s Attempt to Influence Wisconsin Official Backfires, Results in Resolution Condemning Virus Cover-up
By Cathy He
April 13, 2020 Updated: April 14, 2020

The Chinese regime’s attempt to get a Wisconsin state senator to voice support for Beijing’s CCP virus containment efforts has resulted in the lawmaker introducing a resolution slamming Beijing’s cover-up of the outbreak.

Wisconsin Senate President Roger Roth on March 26 introduced a resolution to condemn the actions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for “deliberately and intentionally” misleading the world about the outbreak in Wuhan, which has resulted in a “global pandemic the likes of which has not been seen for generations,” according to the resolution text.

Roth told The Epoch Times that the resolution would not have been introduced were it not for the Chinese consulate’s actions.

He received two emails from an official in the Chinese consulate in Chicago, asking him to pass a resolution the consulate drafted that would tout Wisconsin state’s support for Beijing’s efforts to combat the outbreak.



[Admin:] This is CCP’s coordinated mission, a global propaganda campaign, to beef up its shuttered image. It did the same to German government, as Germany’s Die Welt newspaper reported last Sunday.

CCP started a disinformation/propaganda war parallel to the Pandemic. It passed laws to ban the sharing of any information of the pandemic except those published by the regime. Even pandemic-related scientific research papers have to be censored. The regime fortified its internet policing army, and even hired inmates to work as monitoring personnel, though they are not paid but may get shorter jail time if they have deleted enough out-spoken forum posts.

Overseas, the regime’s propaganda team, nicknamed “50 Cents Army”, is controlling more than 10,000 suspected fake and hacked Twitter accounts, in a coordinated campaign to manipulate public opinions.