Beirut explosion: at least 78 dead and 4,000 wounded, says Lebanon health ministry


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" Lebanon’s prime minister, Hassan Diab, said the cause of the explosion was 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a common industrial chemical used in fertiliser and as a component in mining explosives. Diab declared a national day of mourning for the victims of the explosion. The warehouse that authorities claim was the site of the blast had been the subject of warnings going back to 2014, he said. He would “reveal facts” about the warehouse soon, he said, but did not want to pre-empt an investigation."

I thought this was some kind of 'attack' ?



I first heard in depth about the tragedy of Lebanon I think it was summer 1978 when I was working at the Manor Restaurant at CherryVale Mall. We for a few months had a guy working as a busboy, maybe 19/20. His family had owned a large furniture store in Lebanon that had made a lot of money...he grew up in money. THey escaped with almost nothing he said, and were then just trying to get by.

Turns out that the GadFather escaped in 1975.
" Lebanon’s prime minister, Hassan Diab, said the cause of the explosion was 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a common industrial chemical used in fertiliser and as a component in mining explosives. Diab declared a national day of mourning for the victims of the explosion. The warehouse that authorities claim was the site of the blast had been the subject of warnings going back to 2014, he said. He would “reveal facts” about the warehouse soon, he said, but did not want to pre-empt an investigation."

I thought this was some kind of 'attack' ?

There was more than ammonium nitrate involved. That reddish brown color is indicative of double base explosives and propellants. You can see the same color here.


Those are typically military grade munitions.
" Lebanon’s prime minister, Hassan Diab, said the cause of the explosion was 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a common industrial chemical used in fertiliser and as a component in mining explosives. Diab declared a national day of mourning for the victims of the explosion. The warehouse that authorities claim was the site of the blast had been the subject of warnings going back to 2014, he said. He would “reveal facts” about the warehouse soon, he said, but did not want to pre-empt an investigation."

I thought this was some kind of 'attack' ?

You're such an idiot Jack, I looked to see if there were any other threads on the subject! Never thought that a fool would post a current event in the Off Topic sub-forum!

Ammonium nitrate itself is a stable compound. If it weren't, it wouldn't be used as fertilizer. It needs both fuel and a detonator to explode.
In rare cases, it can ignite on it's own, (kinda like the heat/fire formed in a bail of hay) and it produces a flame rather than an instantaneous explosion.
Ammonium nitrate itself is a stable compound. If it weren't, it wouldn't be used as fertilizer. It needs both fuel and a detonator to explode.
In rare cases, it can ignite on it's own, (kinda like the heat/fire formed in a bail of hay) and it produces a flame rather than an instantaneous explosion.

That port has been upgraded to a container port. That being said there is still handles huge amounts of bulk cargo. There are diesel and bunker fuel tanks, grain silos, etc. All within close proximity of where the Ammonium nitrate was stored. Believe it or not that was kind a fun port to visit. Now all traffic is directed to Tripoli.
I find it interesting how so many people in the American conversation assume and want to assume that this was not a terrorist act.

I am aware of no evidence for this part of the world a blast like this must be assumed to be terrorism until we can prove that it is not.
Two cents of IMO's:

Iranian support to Hezbollah varied over the years, but as of 2018 US officials estimate Iran transfers $700 million annually.
Funding of Hezbollah - Wikipedia

Aug 3, 2016 - WASHINGTON—The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran.

Why did Syria intervene in Lebanon?
In 1976, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad sent troops into Lebanon to fight PLO forces on behalf of
Christian militias. This led to escalated fighting until a cease-fire agreement later that year that allowed
for the stationing of Syrian troops within Lebanon.

Lebanon–Syria relations - Wikipedia

When did Lebanon separate from Syria?
Hatay was annexed by Turkey in 1939. The French mandate lasted until 1943, when two
independent countries emerged, Syria and Lebanon.
French troops eventually left Syria and Lebanon in 1946.

Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon - Wikipedia

On May 25, 2013, Nasrallah announced that Hezbollah is fighting in the Syrian Civil War
against Islamic extremists and "pledged that his group will not allow Syrian militants to
control areas that border Lebanon".

Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia