“Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religious,”


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By Ross Douthat

Opinion Columnist

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been recording conversations about my new book, “Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religious,” and one of the striking things — not unexpected, but still interesting — is how different people react to different arguments for being religious or believing in God.

No surprise that a right winger is using God to justify his reactionary politics.
By Ross Douthat

Opinion Columnist

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been recording conversations about my new book, “Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religious,” and one of the striking things — not unexpected, but still interesting — is how different people react to different arguments for being religious or believing in God.

No surprise that a right winger is using God to justify his reactionary politics.
What separates creationism theology from political science evolution theory by realtive time semantics?

God created time things exist as eternally separated or evolution doesn't happen without intellectual intervention from supernatural entities.

You want to discuss facts about relative time theory compared to actual time evolving in plain sight no exceptions or exemptions possible?
Planet actually rotatiosn 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds which is shorter interval than 24/7 logistics used to govern numan behavior within the atmosphere this rotation as practiced throughout recorded history that estimates civilization as used today started 7,000 years ago.

Evolution theory has a missing link somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 years ago based on humanity's standard time ratio figured out by clocks measuring a day and calendar listing how many days one existed since birth.

What is the intellectual missing link last 7,000 years to understanding actual time living eternally separated by genetic changes in population daily?
0-9 months gestation doesn't count as begining of each ancestor's unique chromosomes changing form since shaped a fertilized cell until dying and becoming a decomposing corpse.. which is still evolving as one of a kind eternally separated beyond reasonable doubt sustained by faith now isn't eternity in every society here now honoring a supreme intellectual being as defined by God, Mother Nature, Extraterrrestrial implantation.

Why the history of social deception of the mass population in charge of each generationgap by the minorities promising better tomorrows midnight to noon each day noon to midnight separates a day dawn to dusk with 2 days on the calendar given two of 7 names in sequence 52 weeks a year?

why is it anyone questioning any reality is subject to ridicule from everyone defending humanity, shunning from one's own ancestry, exile by community, eliminated by church and state for not honoring people believing now isn't eternity when their own genetic body never stays same results twice each heartbeat forward?

The New World Order is only 2,025 years old, so what event was it that makes today 2,025 years away from Old Testament ideologies and todays global economics about east is east and west is west narratives dawn to dusk yesterday and tomorrow noon to midnight every rotation so far.
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What separates creationism theology from political science evolution theory by realtive time semantics?

God created time things exist as eternally separated or evolution doesn't happen without intellectual intervention from supernatural entities.

You want to discuss facts about relative time theory compared to actual time evolving in plain sight no exceptions or exemptions possible?
Planet actually rotatiosn 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds which is shorter interval than 24/7 logistics used to govern numan behavior within the atmosphere this rotation as practiced throughout recorded history that estimates civilization as used today started 7,000 years ago.

Evolution theory has a missing link somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 years ago based on humanity's standard time ratio figured out by clocks measuring a day and calendar listing how many days one existed since birth.

What is the intellectual missing link last 7,000 years to understanding actual time living eternally separated by genetic changes in population daily?
0-9 months gestation doesn't count as begining of each ancestor's unique chromosomes changing form since shaped a fertilized cell until dying and becoming a decomposing corpse.. which is still evolving as one of a kind eternally separated beyond reasonable doubt sustained by faith now isn't eternity in every society here now honoring a supreme intellectual being as defined by God, Mother Nature, Extraterrrestrial implantation.

Why the history of social deception of the mass population in charge of each generationgap by the minorities promising better tomorrows midnight to noon each day noon to midnight separates a day dawn to dusk with 2 days on the calendar given two of 7 names in sequence 52 weeks a year?

why is it anyone questioning any reality is subject to ridicule from everyone defending humanity, shunning from one's own ancestry, exile by community, eliminated by church and state for not honoring people believing now isn't eternity when their own genetic body never stays same results twice each heartbeat forward?

The New World Order is only 2,025 years old, so what event was it that makes today 2,025 years away from Old Testament ideologies and todays global economics about east is east and west is west narratives dawn to dusk yesterday and tomorrow noon to midnight every rotation so far.

Absolutely PERFECT response to this thread. FINALLY your brilliance shines forth in the proper setting.
By Ross Douthat

Opinion Columnist

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been recording conversations about my new book, “Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religious,” and one of the striking things — not unexpected, but still interesting — is how different people react to different arguments for being religious or believing in God.

No surprise that a right winger is using God to justify his reactionary politics.
As opposed to leftists who use evil to destroy all that is good and decent.
No we won't. We won't let Christian Nationalism take over our country.

The Founding Fathers wrote the 1st Amendment for that reason.
Of course you will. You weak kneed pussys claimed trump was a. Existential threat to
Democracy and you just let him take over. Shut your pie hole.
Of course you will. You weak kneed pussys claimed trump was a. Existential threat to
Democracy and you just let him take over. Shut your pie hole.

I love how much you desperately WANT the left to get as unhinged as your Jan 6 lot did. Too bad we aren't traitors like the MAGA folks are.

Took Hitler 53 days. Do you think Trump will beat his record?
I love how much you desperately WANT the left to get as unhinged as your Jan 6 lot did. Too bad we aren't traitors like the MAGA folks are.

Took Hitler 53 days. Do you think Trump will beat his record?
So the existential threat to democracy thing was all bullshit. I like when you morons say the quiet stuff out loud.
No we won't. We won't let Christian Nationalism take over our country.

The Founding Fathers wrote the 1st Amendment for that reason.
Another better never than late for Christian Nation SCOTUS where human reproduction medical pseudoscience precedent of Christiananality pedophilia makes America a waste of time where, as Russia’s Orthodox Church rootin’ tootin’ Putin ethnic cleansing genocide pogrom repeating Czar of Russia renaming citizens coffee, tea, sugar or just exterminating them as Christian Nation SCOTUS “serve the Pope or die” George Washington University Hospital Washington, D. C. born USA citizens are Islam Fourth Reich July Bicentennial continues where Islam is just flaming flying chariot pseudoscience warlord pedophilia Valhalla…..