Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The end times for the presidency of Donald Trump and the White House role for his spiritual advisor, Paula White. Their futures are bound together and both have made clear that they will fight to the end, and maybe beyond. During the second night of a post-election prayer marathon White’s son, Pastor Brad Knight thanked God, perhaps prematurely, for “securing her position for the next four years. And therefore the position of your people, the voice of your people.”
During the nightly prayer broadcast, Paula White and fellow prayer warriors called on God to smite the president’s enemies—his political opponents, anyone standing in the way of a second term, and anyone interfering with their vision of national and global dominion.
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During the nightly prayer broadcast, Paula White and fellow prayer warriors called on God to smite the president’s enemies—his political opponents, anyone standing in the way of a second term, and anyone interfering with their vision of national and global dominion.
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