Berdan 1870


Uwaa OmO




I've always been a slavaboo when it comes to guns.
Nice big .42 caliber hole maker, but you can outrun the muzzle velocity with a Vespa.

Nice collector piece, but hardly a great rifle compared to great rifles.

At least nobody will try to take it away from you. It's legal everywhere.
Nice big .42 caliber hole maker, but you can outrun the muzzle velocity with a Vespa.

Nice collector piece, but hardly a great rifle compared to great rifles.

At least nobody will try to take it away from you. It's legal everywhere.

It's great compared to its contemporaries, save for the Rolling Block.
I got a Gras now. Heftier than the Berdan, and the bolt is much more rough. Nicer sights though, and much better trigger.


This is still a 'political forum', ... right?

At one point I started getting told to not talk politics here and just enjoy the discussion of other things

I told them I was sorry for discussing politics on a site called just plain politics

I busted a gut