While I don't think this thread topic rises to the level of APP, it has to be obvious that this man had problems. How we define these problems can be complex and is often dependent on the biases of the interpreter. Americans can certainly be frustrated at the way wealth manages the nation today. That warning came from Washington, Lincoln and Eisenhower to name just three presidents who spoke out about the subject. But this sort of violence is unacceptable. Of course then bringing up 'family values' by a Trump groupie given how Pres Trump dumped Ivana, cheated on her and Marla Maples, met Melania will cheating on Marla, mentioning family values in this context would win the 'ostrich head in sand award' if there were one.
A bit more serious while slightly OT everyone make sure you read 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder. Snyder covers the sort of thought, a kind of belief system that allows Trump's lies and empty promises to be forgiven while criticizing everyone else. See Lesson 10.