Best supreme court justice in modern history

Who's the greatest modern supreme court justice?

  • William Brennan

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
Which one's not a fascist bastard? :D

William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall were the two most liberal men to ever sit on the bench. Neither one was a fascist. I just thought it would be funny just to leave everyone else out, even the moderates, and let the conservatives sit there and fume. I hope we get some more like them one day. They were the only people on the bench to vote that the death penalty was cruel and unusual. Justice Blackmum, who had originally sided against them, in later years, after Thrugood and Brennan had retired, eventually agreed with the stance. Blackmum had been a considered a conservative in his early days whenever he sat on the court with Brennan and Marshall; whenever he left the bench, he was by far the most liberal member.

It kind of puts things into perspective, thinking about that, how much Reagan and Bush destroyed.
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