Beware of phony PayPal invoice phishing scam email.


I just received two emails claiming to be from PayPal informing me of invoices for over $600 charged to my account which I needed to pay. They even included a fake 1-800 customer service number to call if I wanted to cancel the charge.

Don't be fooled by this shit.

Very good advice.

I've gotten those.

I always ignore them.

In fact, I had my computer seize up a few months ago stating that the FBI did it and I had to call a number to get out of it because they had locked it.

Some of these scams are getting pretty intense.

Luckily resetting my computer fixed it.
The latest scam I'm seeing is spammers making e-mail that pretend to be subscriptions to something like a newsletter. If you choose "unsubscribe" you just told the spammer your account is active and somebody is looking. You should dump these into spam directly. The subscription ploy is just a fake.