' Beyond catastrophic ' Joe's Jews murder 640 over 17 days.


Satire for Sanity
Build a pier, Joe


Reverting to infantile comment will not serve to cover your embarrassment at the sub-human behavior of your favorite pseudo-Jews, boys.

Haw, haw............................................haw.
The real problem I have with this entire mess in Israel/Palestine is that both sides have legitimate fears of the other. There's no "good guy" and no "bad guy" here.

I personally think Israel has tried more to come to a compromise in the past than the Palestinians and their supporters ever did. So I find the Palestinian cause to have some hint of "manufactured horror" in that the Palestinians for some reason have either chosen to or refused to accept any plans that Israel put forth in the past.

But that's the past. Today everyone is firmly in their corners. The only difference is Israel stands a LOT better chance of inflicting horrible damage to the Palestinians than the other way around. This doesn't forgive the Hamas rockets into Israel. It doesn't forgive the evil they have done. But by the same token Israel is really the one who is holding most of the power here.

But even then you can't point to one side or another. This is a conflict that has now gone on for more than a century and appears to never be ending anytime soon. I guess the best we can do is to beg Israel to stop using it's immense power advantage against a bunch of really poor people being kind of held hostage by Hamas.

No one is on the moral high ground here.
The real problem I have with this entire mess in Israel/Palestine is that both sides have legitimate fears of the other. There's no "good guy" and no "bad guy" here.

No one is on the moral high ground here.
Through the prism of international and humanitarian law, also the Geneva Conventions, Israel is guilty as hell.
Now, you can ignore the law and try to make a case for the genocidal Jews- but it would be a total waste of time and energy.
They have squandered the good will of the world- and hung themselves by their emulation of Nazism.