APP - bho and nuclear threats

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
bho has been working in the background to try to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and weapons grade nuclear materials

chile and the ukraine have agreed to let the u s of a take their nuclear materials and safeguard them

and has been working with russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons

bho has been working in the background to try to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and weapons grade nuclear materials

chile and the ukraine have agreed to let the u s of a take their nuclear materials and safeguard them

and has been working with russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons


I see your ability to reason has been clouded by your faith in your messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.

Don't you think it's risky to give Chilean and Ukranian nuclear materials to a known radical muslim who was born in Kenya?

P.S. Also, Al Gore is fat.
I see your ability to reason has been clouded by your faith in your messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.

Don't you think it's risky to give Chilean and Ukranian nuclear materials to a known radical muslim who was born in Kenya?

P.S. Also, Al Gore is fat.

I see your ability to reason has been clouded by your faith in your messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.

Don't you think it's risky to give Chilean and Ukranian nuclear materials to a known radical muslim who was born in Kenya?

P.S. Also, Al Gore is fat.

You have it letter-perfect! needs you as a sleeper cell.

I see your ability to reason has been clouded by your faith in your messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.

Don't you think it's risky to give Chilean and Ukranian nuclear materials to a known radical muslim who was born in Kenya?

P.S. Also, Al Gore is fat.

It is only a matter of time before Obama tries to sell them on Ebay!