APP - bho backs additional troops

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
yep, bho wants to win the war in afghanistan with additional troops

can this work

will congress support the additional troops

and what is his strategy
It's the same strategy as all wars as of late, keep killing people until they submit to the internationalist zionist world order. All paid off power brokers will go along with it. Some may make some comments to make the base believe they actually care.

meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
You can't treat a war like a football game that ends when the time runs out, he should have clearly left the option open for "overtime."
You can't treat a war like a football game that ends when the time runs out, he should have clearly left the option open for "overtime."

Poetic Justice is served...

Warm on a huge steaming, seething plate, ala Michael Moore.

Make sure you wear thick socks at all times BHO. You're going to be getting your ankles gnawed on BIG TIME!
yep, bho wants to win the war in afghanistan with additional troops

can this work

will congress support the additional troops

and what is his strategy

Okay, this is a load of horseshit:

OBAMA: "To address these issues, it is important to recall why America and our allies were compelled to fight a war in Afghanistan in the first place.

We did not ask for this fight.

On September 11, 2001, 19 men hijacked four airplanes and used them to murder nearly 3,000 people. They struck at our military and economic nerve centers. They took the lives of innocent men, women and children without regard to their faith or race or station. Were it not for the heroic actions of the passengers on board one of those flights, they could have also struck at one of the great symbols of our democracy in Washington, and killed many more."

God damn if he's not using the same tired old bullshit talking points of Bush and the Neocon enablers. He's smarter than this, so I think it's all obfuscation and there are other agenda's at play.

We were not "forced" to invade afghanistan by the attacks on 9/11.

The 9/11 attack was plotted in some apartments in Germany and Spain. Not in afghanistan.

The training for the attack took place in the United States, in our flight training facilities.

It was financed by a Saudi and an Egyptian.

It was carried out by saudi citizens, with saudi money, and facilitated by reactionary elements within the Saudi government.

There wasn't a single damn Afghan citizen involved, nor was the Taliban government involved in the plot. I don't even think in the history of international terrorism, an afghan citizen has ever killed an american, prior to our invasion.

The taliban can be blamed for a lot of shit. But the taliban and afghans at large were not involved in planning the attack, facilitating the attack, or providing any sort of training or $$$ for the attack.
Okay, this is a load of horseshit:

God damn if he's not using the same tired old bullshit talking points of Bush and the Neocon enablers. He's smarter than this, so I think it's all obfuscation and there are other agenda's at play.

We were not "forced" to invade afghanistan by the attacks on 9/11.

The 9/11 attack was plotted in some apartments in Germany and Spain. Not in afghanistan.

The training for the attack took place in the United States, in our flight training facilities.

It was financed by a Saudi and an Egyptian.

It was carried out by saudi citizens, with saudi money, and facilitated by reactionary elements within the Saudi government.

There wasn't a single damn Afghan citizen involved, nor was the Taliban government involved in the plot. I don't even think in the history of international terrorism, an afghan citizen has ever killed an american, prior to our invasion.

The taliban can be blamed for a lot of shit. But the taliban and afghans at large were not involved in planning the attack, facilitating the attack, or providing any sort of training or $$$ for the attack.

Nice Obama tool burn
Okay, this is a load of horseshit:

God damn if he's not using the same tired old bullshit talking points of Bush and the Neocon enablers. He's smarter than this, so I think it's all obfuscation and there are other agenda's at play.

"He's smarter than this"???...Sure dipstick, keep telling yourself that"

We were not "forced" to invade afghanistan by the attacks on 9/11.

The 9/11 attack was plotted in some apartments in Germany and Spain. Not in afghanistan.

So by your logic, if the plans were put together in New Jersey, we should have attacked New Jersey?

The training for the attack took place in the United States, in our flight training facilities.

Whats your point?

It was financed by a Saudi and an Egyptian.

So we should attack Arabia and Egypt?

It was carried out by saudi citizens, with saudi money, and facilitated by reactionary elements within the Saudi government. you want to kill Saudi citizens, bomb their banks, and call these "reactionary elements" in their government harsh names....

There wasn't a single damn Afghan citizen involved, nor was the Taliban government involved in the plot. I don't even think in the history of international terrorism, an afghan citizen has ever killed an american, prior to our invasion.

The taliban can be blamed for a lot of shit. But the taliban and afghans at large were not involved in planning the attack, facilitating the attack, or providing any sort of training or $$$ for the attack.

Really sonny? You can't figure it out? You're baffled by the whole thing?Do you write to Pelosi and Harry and Obama and tell them to get out ?

Bush was wrong....Obama is wrong...and YOU imagine YOU'RE right about something,.................but what?

No doubt, you're a warmer too...
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Bush was wrong....Obama is wrong...and YOU imagine YOU'RE right about something,.................but what?

No doubt, you're a warmer too...

bravo/GED boy if you got an education you won't run around daily saying the USA needs to attack somebody.

But then it does get a bunch of you redneck kkk nascar mutha fuckers out of traffic.:pke:
bravo/GED boy if you got an education you won't run around daily saying the USA needs to attack somebody.

But then it does get a bunch of you redneck kkk nascar mutha fuckers out of traffic.:pke: got me pinhead....just how do you conclude I want the US to attack somebody....???
All those questions I asked got your pinhead in a knot...?
Complaining about everyone implies his imagined superiority over two Presidents...

Thats what makes it so fuckin' difficult to converse with you morons....

You don't understand what you read, so you respond to posts with incoherent nonsense...
then pat yourself on the back because you're under the illusion your clever....

and use a neg. rep for confirm you're an's to you buffoon....:321:
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