Biden again Weakens our Southern Border Defense


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Very troubling, but not surprising that our weakest anti American president (Biden) has once again decided to weaken our Southern Border defense measures by cutting the number of aerostats, also known as "Eyes in the Sky," used to monitor and detect activity on the over-whelmed southern border. According to Commerce and Border Protection reports, this reduction has stemmed from a lack of funds; moving from 12 last year down to only four today--all being in Rio Grande Valley Sector.

Critics warn this cutting of aerostats may have serious implications for detecting people crossing illegally and came on top of billions being spent elsewhere such as Ukraine while cost-cutting measures get taken back home.

Ending this aerostat program at the U.S.-Mexico border has gotten met with an outcry from Border Patrol agents, who describe it as a "kick in the gut." Aerostats have long served an essential role on our borders by allowing us to detect illegal crossing and locate contraband such as fentanyl quickly, leading to more effective arrest along both land & air routes into the country.

While no one is surprised that the weak (MAWA) Make America Weak Again Joe Biden has basically allowed illegals free room and board by crossing over our Southern Border with open arms, the fact that he's now cancelling one of our most effective deterrents at the border helps make our limited border guards job all that more impossible to effectively deploy.

How ironic it is that for years during the Trump administration we heard hysteric liberals shouting to the top of their lungs that it was Trump and the Republicans who were set out to destroy our Democracy. You just can't make up this demented shit as to just how much the Dems are so confused, misled, disinformed, or just plain being comfortable as idiotic morons.