Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Over 16 million jobs created
Historically low unemployment
Delivered billions in student loan relief
Taken on Big Pharma to lower prescription costs
Capped insulin at $35/month
Record 21 million small business applications
Largest climate investment in history
235 federal judges confirmed
View: https://twitter.com/TheDemocrats/status/1879695123736350902?t=SiuHZNsDIzUMKDcm76LQRg&s=19
The next 4 years is going to be a fun ride.
Historically low unemployment
Delivered billions in student loan relief
Taken on Big Pharma to lower prescription costs
Capped insulin at $35/month
Record 21 million small business applications
Largest climate investment in history
235 federal judges confirmed
View: https://twitter.com/TheDemocrats/status/1879695123736350902?t=SiuHZNsDIzUMKDcm76LQRg&s=19
The next 4 years is going to be a fun ride.