Biden Believes Everything He Says

I never watched a debate. I see no reason to spoil my record just to watch brain dead debate an asshole.

So what’s to watch?

Senile Joe Biden will repeatedly speak for ‘The American People’ meaning approximately 25 percent of voters. The asshole will not point out that a vast majority of the American people oppose everything Brain Dead Biden stands for starting with the Affordable Care Act.

On the other hand the asshole gave the Parasite Class trillions of tax dollars and an economy Wall Street and congressional Democrats planned together. The asshole’s platform is the best thing he could have done for Socialists.

Moderators are there to prevent brain dead from thanking the asshole for parasite’s everywhere.

p.s. The asshole only needs one:

Three Things Trump Should Do to Own Biden in Tonight's Debate
Larry O'Connor|
Posted: Sep 29, 2020 10:10 AM

If the asshole says he will put all of his authority behind this:

China Joe Biden will immediately drop dead while the moderators go into shock.
I breezed thru the morning headlines on a bunch of websites. This one caught my attention:

He Almost Got Away With It: The Devious Chris Wallace “Two-Step” that Tried but Failed to Hand the Debate to Biden
September 30, 2020

I should have said 'Chris Wallace is there to prevent brain dead from thanking the asshole for parasite’s everywhere.':

Moderators are there to prevent brain dead from thanking the asshole for parasite’s everywhere.

Based on one article, it looks like Wallace did his job.

I do not intend to devote a lot of time reading about last night’s big noise in Cleveland. Postmortem articles are more boring than the debate itself. Trump will win in a landslide. Television mouths like Chris Wallace will not change the result.

Nasty is the only truth debates offer.

If I had my way Winnetka, Illinois would be designated the Debate Capital of the World. In short: Every debate would take place in Winnetka, Illinois. Debates even have a ready-made theme song:

p.s. China Joe Biden will raise taxes. That is why he attacksTrump for not paying more. When the topic of Biden’s plan to pack the court comes up in the remaining debates President Trump should ask him if any judge with the judicial philosophy of Billing Learned Hand (1872 – 1961) will make the cut?

Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands. Judge Learned Hand

NOTE: Learned Hand never made it to the High Court, yet he is more famous than most justices that did sit on the U.S. Supreme Court.
If I had my way Winnetka, Illinois would be designated the Debate Capital of the World. In short: Every debate would take place in Winnetka, Illinois.

Kamala Harris had a rough night in Winnetka:

Kamala Harris Debate List of Lies
By Douglas V. Gibbs
October 8, 2020

Harris’ defeat convinced China Joe Biden’s handlers the next debate has to be held in Joe’s basement.

Tough luck on that one, Joe! Trump is not buying a virtual debate against an opponent hooked up to enough electric wires to animate a corpse:

Trump refuses to participate in virtual debate on Oct. 15: ‘I’m not going to waste my time’
Published Thu, Oct 8 20207:31 AM EDT Updated 16 Min Ago
Christina Wilkie
Tough luck on that one, Joe! Trump is not buying a virtual debate against an opponent hooked up to enough electric wires to animate a corpse:

If being in the tank for the China Joe Biden was a criminal offense the American people would have to build at least 20 new prisons to house all the people in government and television who began diving in the tank for Biden when he was a lowly senator in 1973.

Looks like the Commission on Presidential Debates has joined CNN et al. in the tank for Joe Biden: Its bid to dictate a new, virtual format for the next Biden-Trump faceoff was a blatant gift to a candidate who never wants to stray far from his basement.

Presidential debates commission proves that it, too, is in the tank for Joe Biden
By Post Editorial Board
October 8, 2020
On the other hand if you believe all the lies that crazy Trump spews out,

To Trumpet:
How about details!

Trump has TR on his side:

The corporate media has made a fundamental mistake in dealing with President Donald J Trump. Day after day Trump is attacked with made-up conspiracies and personal innuendo and when the president defends himself, they say he doesn't look "presidential." But the American people know he is defending their interests. President Trump is not the problem, Trump is the solution.

At his campaign rallies, President Trump has remarked that many compare his election in 2016 to that of Andrew Jackson in 1828.

President Trump prominently displays a painting of Andrew Jackson in the Oval office. Jackson, America’s seventh president, was a no-nonsense populist, one ranked high in leadership ability by U.S. historians. The selection of the Ralph E. W. Earl portrait by the president suggests the direction Trump wants to lead the country in and the chief executive he deems worthy of emulation.

Andrew Jackson, like Trump, was an outsider who advocated a populist agenda championing the common man over corrupt government institutions and private financiers and stock jobbers whose financial interests and profits took priority over any allegiance to country.

But a far more compelling historic parallel exists with another outspoken New Yorker and similarly ostracized Republican -- Theodore Roosevelt.

Roosevelt hailed from Manhattan while Trump was born in Queens. Like Trump, Roosevelt was utterly despised by a GOP Republican establishment that did everything to render him impotent. Roosevelt would be denied the Republican presidential nomination by party insiders in 1912.

Because of his forthright opinions, the GOP regulars relegated Roosevelt to dead-end positions first as U.S. Civil Service Commissioner 1889, then as Assistant Secretary of the Navy 1897. Undaunted, Roosevelt turned all those positions into springboards for further advancement.

Roosevelt resigned as assistant secretary at the start of the Spanish American War in 1898 and formed his own regiment of “Rough Riders.” A hero in that war, he became governor of New York. Barely a year into his term, the Republican establishment bosses wanted him out of New York and thought the safest? place to put him was as VP on the GOP ballot with William McKinley.

But the unthinkable happened. McKinley was assassinated in 1901. Roosevelt became president. GOP party leader and US senator Mark Hanna despairingly exclaimed on behalf of the old guard, “now that damned cowboy is in the White House.” The GOP establishment was similarly apoplectic when Donald Trump, who humbly referred to himself as a “redneck from Fifth Ave,” won the 2016 presidential election.

Roosevelt, like Trump, was charged with not being a real conservative. As president, Roosevelt advocated ‘executive stewardship.’ He saw himself as a steward working on behalf of the people in an industrial age of huge corporate trusts in which their voice was diminished. Roosevelt championed free competition, what he called a ‘Square Deal.’ Trump too encourages what he calls free and fair trade for the American people.

A strong proponent of the nation-state, Roosevelt like Trump decidedly opposed the internationalism of the Republican big business, chamber of commerce establishment types. The Trump Doctrine battles against any global treaty that signs away U.S. sovereignty to unelected international bureaucrats.

Trump’s conservatism, like Roosevelt’s, is one based on commonsense and prudence. It is practical, not theoretical and looks disdainfully upon abstract neoconservative ideologies about ‘world community’, ‘nation building’ or ‘the end of history’.

Before the advent of television, Roosevelt used his office as a ‘bully pulpit’ to advocate his policies. Roosevelt, a master self-promoter, became the first president to invite the press into the White House. Previously they stood outside in inclement weather. Roosevelt was also the first President to publicly disparage the press as ‘muckrakers.’ Today Trump calls it ‘fake news’ and uses Twitter as his bully pulpit to communicate directly with the American people going over the heads of special interest of the corporate media.

Roosevelt, like Trump, did not shy away from the use of tough language which became instant sound bites. He once called the president of Venezuela, “an unspeakably villainous little monkey.” During the election of 1912, President Taft was labeled a ‘fat head.’

Long before Twitter, Roosevelt used the telegraph effectively?. When U.S. citizen, Ion Perdicaris was captured in Morocco and the kidnapper, a Berber chief named Raisuli, sought ransom; President Roosevelt instructed Secretary of State John Hay to cable a message, which President Trump would be proud to own as a Tweet. The cable message read, “Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead”. The hostage was immediately released.

Roosevelt's tough talk led to peaceful resolution of disputes like the United Mine Workers coal strike in 1902. He had a penchant for bringing warring parties together and making deals, as he did in ending the Russo-Japanese War, in 1905 for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Trump has also demonstrated great diplomatic skills. His peace initiative with North Korea was just the beginning. President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for his efforts for peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Serbia and Kosovo.

President Trump has been called every name in the book by the mass media except what he truly is which -- a great reformer. This too is a parallel to Theodore Roosevelt.

Despite all the manufactured polls and tumultuous disinformation employed by the carnival-barking media, President Trump appears to be Niagarously roaring toward re-election victory.

Perhaps for his second term, he might consider replacing the portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval office with one of his fellow New Yorker: rambunctious Theodore Roosevelt, who also spoke his mind and didn't back down in defense of his country.

October 9, 2020
Trump and TR: Presidential Parallels
By Patrick J. Walsh