Biden fed up with gays, saying "World is Going to Hades in a Hand Basket"


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Biden fed up with gays, saying "World is Going to Hades in a Hand Basket" (comedian Kvon is shocked)

Biden hangs his head & scoffs at the idea of Gay Marriage. Mainstream media buried this to trick the LGBTQ community into liking Democrats. Click SHARE so they can't hide it...

Just more Joke run up the proverbial flag pole. That is, Joke for his entire career has shifted positions like a flag flapping in a hurricane. The guy has a moral compass that spins continuously. Yet, he's now touted as some great uniter and savior of the nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. We're seeing it unfold daily. The border collapse, the silence on radical Left wing rioting that's still going on nationwide, the feckless weighing in to be politically correct--at least when he's awake from his fourth nap of the day or something--and willingness to go along with every crackpot idea the ideologues of the Left in his party cook up in Congress.

Nothing could be more dangerous.
MR. RUSSERT: The president used his radio address yesterday, and tomorrow in the Rose Garden, to talk about a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

SEN. BIDEN: You know, think about this. The world’s going to Hades in a handbasket. We are desperately concerned about the circumstance relating to avian flu—we don’t have enough vaccines, we don’t have enough police officers—and we’re going to debate, the next three weeks, I’m told, gay marriage, a flag amendment, and God only knows what else.

This video is nothing but a worship and praise for the messiah.
Biden fed up with gays, saying "World is Going to Hades in a Hand Basket"

You are mischaracterizing what he said. Biden was fed up with people who kept wanting more and more bans on same sex marriage. He felt that a law against same sex marriage was enough. He stated that people who wanted an amendment were wasting time, while the world was going to hell in a hand basket. At no point did he say gays were sending the world to hell in a hand basket, or that gays were the problem.

Biden was wrong on many points. Not the points you state, but on other points. And he admits he was wrong.

Biden was wrong to vote for the law against same sex marriage. He did that because he thought it would end the issue, and he thought at the time the issue was a waste of time. It is an important issue to many Americans, and should not be ended. Biden was one of the first mainstream politicians to realize that, and really pushed for same sex marriage a few years later.

Biden was also wrong when he thought a law could end the issue of same sex marriage. If you want to take away the right to marry from homosexuals, you would need a constitutional amendment. Even trump's hope of reversing the Supreme Court decision would not do it, because too many states would allow same sex marriage, and constitutionally other states would have to honor those marriages.
Biden fed up with gays, saying "World is Going to Hades in a Hand Basket" (comedian Kvon is shocked)

Lying makes you a loser ass crack mouth

Tim Russert died in 2008

So this is prior to 2008 at the date mr Russert died

Pre economic Republican caused crash in 2008

The hell in a hand basket was said about the oncoming crash Fucks news and the republicans were constantly poo pooing and saying was lies


There was then a massive world wide crash

Fucks News and the republicans looked like fucking idiots

Oh and everyone was also figuring out Fucks news and the republicans lied us into a war that created MORE terrorists groups and that Ossama bin Ladin was still being treated like a god by nutters

We had some shit to deal with huh

Name the bill he was speaking of

He said that we already had the protection of marriage act

So the bill he was talking about had to do with anti gay shit huh foreskinlips

Misrepresentation all around

So no soup for you
Lying makes you a loser ass crack mouth

Tim Russert died in 2008

So this is prior to 2008 at the date mr Russert died

Pre economic Republican caused crash in 2008

The hell in a hand basket was said about the oncoming crash Fucks news and the republicans were constantly poo pooing and saying was lies


There was then a massive world wide crash

Fucks News and the republicans looked like fucking idiots

Oh and everyone was also figuring out Fucks news and the republicans lied us into a war that created MORE terrorists groups and that Ossama bin Ladin was still being treated like a god by nutters

We had some shit to deal with huh

Name the bill he was speaking of

He said that we already had the protection of marriage act

So the bill he was talking about had to do with anti gay shit huh foreskinlips

Misrepresentation all around

So no soup for you

"Pre economic Republican caused crash in 2008"

I think your pup is PROBABLY a more reliably accurate observer of politics than you are.

Obama CAUSED the economic crisis you say he cleaned up.

That's like a fireman committing arson, then rushing to the firehouse to go on the run to extinguish the fire he set.

Isn't that what they call, "screwing the pooch"?
You are mischaracterizing what he said. Biden was fed up with people who kept wanting more and more bans on same sex marriage. He felt that a law against same sex marriage was enough. He stated that people who wanted an amendment were wasting time, while the world was going to hell in a hand basket. At no point did he say gays were sending the world to hell in a hand basket, or that gays were the problem.

Biden was wrong on many points. Not the points you state, but on other points. And he admits he was wrong.

Biden was wrong to vote for the law against same sex marriage. He did that because he thought it would end the issue, and he thought at the time the issue was a waste of time. It is an important issue to many Americans, and should not be ended. Biden was one of the first mainstream politicians to realize that, and really pushed for same sex marriage a few years later.

Biden was also wrong when he thought a law could end the issue of same sex marriage. If you want to take away the right to marry from homosexuals, you would need a constitutional amendment. Even trump's hope of reversing the Supreme Court decision would not do it, because too many states would allow same sex marriage, and constitutionally other states would have to honor those marriages.

Tell us why Biden kept telling crowds that the innocent driver had been drinking?

How ugly, dishonorable and mean spirited can one man be???

72 Biden Car Crash Dispute
MR. RUSSERT: The president used his radio address yesterday, and tomorrow in the Rose Garden, to talk about a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

SEN. BIDEN: You know, think about this. The world’s going to Hades in a handbasket. We are desperately concerned about the circumstance relating to avian flu—we don’t have enough vaccines, we don’t have enough police officers—and we’re going to debate, the next three weeks, I’m told, gay marriage, a flag amendment, and God only knows what else.

This video is nothing but a worship and praise for the messiah.

What does Jesus have to do with it?
I trust that this is the special time of the night for you and AHZ.

The Platters - Twilight Time - Lyrics

He puts on a latex body suit and rolls around in the feces you dropped in the bathtub and cries out, "Sooooooooeeeeeeey!" to get you, hot, bothered and ready for action!

And you paint a smudge of shoe black under your nose and scream at him in a sauerkraut accent telling him he is the Master race, then he pulls a kielbasa out your ass and you both lick it clean before cutting swastikas along it's length and then you throw it in the oven and when it comes out completely brown and crips and you take your first bite, the juices burst into your mouth with a snap and you achieve the Big Ohhhhh!

So, after you both have had your 'fun,' tell me what great excuse you have for Biden being such an ass hole jerk all those years!
Just more Joke run up the proverbial flag pole. That is, Joke for his entire career has shifted positions like a flag flapping in a hurricane. The guy has a moral compass that spins continuously. Yet, he's now touted as some great uniter and savior of the nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. We're seeing it unfold daily. The border collapse, the silence on radical Left wing rioting that's still going on nationwide, the feckless weighing in to be politically correct--at least when he's awake from his fourth nap of the day or something--and willingness to go along with every crackpot idea the ideologues of the Left in his party cook up in Congress.

Nothing could be more dangerous.

Poll: One In Six Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media
I have to PROVE what I assert.

But, your dishonest media merely fakes the evidence and puts on an authoritative air to hood wink your kind!

And you believe them because they Punk you.

And you LOVE being punked.


Your post about Biden was a lie, bitch.

And that makes you a liar. Bitch
Poll: One In Six Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media

Really? 17%

Some of these topics include former Biden staffer Tara Reade and her sexual assault allegations against Biden, the Hunter Biden scandal, VP Nominee Kamala Harris’s extreme liberal voting record in the Senate, the U.S.’s economic jump in the third quarter, millions of jobs added, America’s energy independence, Operation Warp Speed successes, and Trump’s facilitation of multiple peace deals in the Middle East.

Teabagger( BS.

Whatever happened to Tara Reade? Oh' her lawyer quit because she was caught in so many lies, should have hired Rudy.
Of course, Hunter Biden, a big "nothing burger" or is is Hamberder?
"Millions of jobs" LOST.
"Energy independence"? When did this take place, the US is till importing oil.
"Operation warp speed"? Three other countries were vaccinating citizen's before the US.
"Peace deals"? From countries not only not at war, they didn't even have conflicts.

The sad part, aside from the lies, with all the scandals and corruption by the Trump regime, let alone an attempted insurrection and an attempted election fraud 0.0001% of teabaggers ( would have changed their vote.
"Pre economic Republican caused crash in 2008"

I think your pup is PROBABLY a more reliably accurate observer of politics than you are.

Obama CAUSED the economic crisis you say he cleaned up.

That's like a fireman committing arson, then rushing to the firehouse to go on the run to extinguish the fire he set.

Isn't that what they call, "screwing the pooch"?

What was the date that market crashed you dumpster brain
Lying makes you a loser ass crack mouth

Tim Russert died in 2008

So this is prior to 2008 at the date mr Russert died

Pre economic Republican caused crash in 2008

The hell in a hand basket was said about the oncoming crash Fucks news and the republicans were constantly poo pooing and saying was lies


There was then a massive world wide crash

Fucks News and the republicans looked like fucking idiots

Oh and everyone was also figuring out Fucks news and the republicans lied us into a war that created MORE terrorists groups and that Ossama bin Ladin was still being treated like a god by nutters

We had some shit to deal with huh

Name the bill he was speaking of

He said that we already had the protection of marriage act

So the bill he was talking about had to do with anti gay shit huh foreskinlips

Misrepresentation all around

So no soup for you

Everything you claimed that tape proved was a concocted fucking lie that I could prove was bullshit in a few minutes

You shits are done

You can’t even lie well anymore

Tell your president Putin that if Nalvany died he will fall from power

The world will shun him entirely

His people will begin to starve and will Gadhafi him

You have reached maximum lie factor

It’s over
Biden fed up with gays, saying "World is Going to Hades in a Hand Basket" (comedian Kvon is shocked)

Ummm....I think Biden was speaking in broader terms in his Hades comment, but he certainly "came out" against gay marriage.

IMO, it's purely a 14th Amendment issue. If you or a church wants to hate gays, that's on you, but I think hate goes against Christian values.