Biden hit a home run w/ his SOTU speech

Well, comparatively, nobody watched Joke meander through a speech and he got no bounce in the polls. I'd say he hit an infield pop fly and was out before he reached first base...
Well, comparatively, nobody watched Joke meander through a speech and he got no bounce in the polls. I'd say he hit an infield pop fly and was out before he reached first base...

It’ll go down in history as one of the great speeches.

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - FDR

“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” - Churchill

“All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin.
And, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words --
"Ich bin ein Berliner."- JFK

“Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall” - Ronald Reagan

“Feral Imphramusture“ - Joe Biden
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I don't watch or listen to boring speeches unless someone epic is giving them. I doubt that many under 40 tuned in.
The reason so many tuned in to Trump’s SOTU was for the comedy element. I always wanted to see what outrageous things he’d claim.
You almost feel sorry for the RWers. No sense of humor to begin with, then they're forced to make up stuff about Biden in order to keep their hate going. Sucks to be them.
It truly does. I’m loving that their committee investigations are making them look like idiots!
It truly does. I’m loving that their committee investigations are making them look like idiots!

Isn't that great!? My favorite so far is the investigation into Twitter's alleged cover-ups and censorship, which revealed that they actually broke their own internal rules in order to allow #TRE45ON to post lies, swears, and violent rhetoric. Hahahahaha! What's yours so far?