Biden Is On The Road


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China Joe Biden and his little scum bags have their testicles being squeezed in a vise. They have to support democracy for their Communist base at home at the same time their Communist pals in China are calling in Biden’s markers.


A statement attributed to Biden said the military's "seizure of power in Burma, the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and other civilian officials, and the declaration of a national state of emergency are a direct assault on the country's transition to democracy and the rule of law."

Biden White House fears angering China in response to Burma coup
Insiders report chaos as administration scrambles after military takeover
Art Moore By Art Moore
Published February 2, 2021 at 8:39pm

China’s Communists crushing democracy everywhere is doing the work this country should be doing.

Frankly, you gotta give Peking credit for steam rolling democracy in Burma —— then calling it ". . . a major cabinet reshuffle . . .":

The Biden administration honed its stance on Tuesday hours after Chinese state media dismissed the takeover as "a major cabinet reshuffle," rolling out euphemisms to avoid calling it a coup. Democratic leaders around the world have slammed the Burmese military, and Mr. Biden had already made it clear the U.S. was "taking note" of who was standing up for Myanmar's people.

U.S. calls Myanmar military's takeover a coup, while China labels it a "cabinet reshuffle"
Updated on: February 2, 2021 / 11:09 AM / CBS/AFP
China Joe Biden and his little scum bags have their testicles being squeezed in a vise. They have to support democracy for their Communist base at home at the same time their Communist pals in China are calling in Biden’s markers.

It is important to note that Boo’s faithful run Burma:

Buddhism 87.9%
Christianity 6.2%
Islam 4.3%
Others 1.6%

Irrespective of who said what about U.S. policy with Burma in recent decades, China Joe Biden’s little scum bags will devote their efforts to advancing:

1. democracy.

2. U.N. tax dollar human Rights.

3. The U.N.’s International Court.

4. China’s best interests.

5. The International community.

The last one is gaining momentum in the White House because Biden is rapidly losing respect for this country around the globe —— after President Trump regained much of the lost respect when he pulled out of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) —— Paris Accord.

NOTE: The Dalai Lama agrees with China Joe rejoining the Paris Accord —— at the same time Boo’s top salesman in this world never stops pissing and moaning about the way China treats Tibetans:

Dalai Lama Lauds Biden for Rejoining Paris Climate Accord, Thanks Him for Supporting Tibetans
09:10 GMT 21.01.2021Get short URL
by Dhairya Maheshwari

Biden’s Burma policy is surrounded by smoke and mirrors; so I highlighted the ‘bottom line’ phrases in the enclosed article.

In the wake of a Burmese military coup, Joe Biden is considering reinstating sanctions on Burma that his own Asia policy czar repealed.

Kurt Campbell was the architect of President Obama's diplomatic engagement strategy with Burma and helped spearhead the repeal of many American investment and banking restrictions on the country while serving as assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs from 2009 to 2013. Those policies, which were criticized for rewarding the Burmese regime prematurely without gaining concessions, continued even after Campbell left the State Department, with additional economic restrictions rolled back in 2016.

Biden's moves are a signal that his administration is abandoning the softball diplomacy strategy charted by Campbell. "The United States removed sanctions on Burma over the past decade based on progress toward democracy," Biden said in a statement on Monday. "The reversal of that progress will necessitate an immediate review of our sanction laws and authorities, followed by appropriate action."

Kyaw Win, a former Burmese politician and director of the Burma Human Rights Network, said the Obama administration's policies were ineffective because they rewarded antidemocratic leaders in Burma without demanding sufficient progress. He urged Biden to reimpose tough sanctions and support the prosecution of the country's military at the International Criminal Court.

"Since Burma started political reforms, [the] international community [has] reduced all the pressure previously imposed on the country," he told the Washington Free Beacon. "Ten years of democratic reforms have proved ineffective and Burma is back to square one."

At the State Department, Campbell led the diplomatic mediation with Burma, which resulted in lifting many trade and investment restrictions in 2012 and 2013. His reconciliation efforts with Burma were seen as one of the cornerstones of Obama's foreign policy. Hillary Clinton said the work was "a high point" of her time as secretary of state and a potential "milestone of our pivot [to Asia] strategy" in her memoir Hard Choices.

Campbell also defended the strategy against criticism at the time, arguing that the decision to roll back sanctions was taken "with great care and responsibly" and saying that the administration had no plans to change course.

"We think the step-by-step process has drawn wide support both in the business community and the international community," he said in 2012.

The United States imposed sanctions on Burma in the late 1980s, in response to a violent coup that led to the installation of an oppressive military junta. After President Obama took office in 2009, his administration pursued an engagement policy with Burma, urging then-president Thein Sein to institute democratic reforms in exchange for economic benefits.

But the move drew alarm from human rights activists. Aung Din, a former political prisoner and executive director with the U.S. Campaign for Burma, said in 2012 that the removal of sanctions "prematurely rewards the Burmese regime while the military undertakes a clear escalation of violence."

"The United States Congress and administration will be responsible for generously rewarding the regime if the war in Kachin State and human rights abuses in ethnic areas do not end, hundreds of remaining political prisoners are not released, and political settlements between the regime and ethnic resistance groups are not realized," Din said.

Almost immediately after leaving the State Department, Campbell launched a consulting firm and started vying for an airport-operation bid in Burma, Foreign Policy reported in May 2013. The move was met with sharp criticism from human rights advocates.

"For Kurt Campbell, when he was assistant secretary, economic interests were more of a priority than solving Burma's more long-term [human rights problems]," Jennifer Quigley of the U.S. Campaign for Burma said in a statement to the Free Beacon at the time.

Campbell lost the airport construction bid to the son of a Burmese drug lord and longtime military crony.

Biden Considers Reinstating Burma Sanctions Axed by Top Asia Adviser
Alana Goodman
February 3, 2021 10:50 AM
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China Joe Biden and his little scum bags have their testicles being squeezed in a vise. They have to support democracy for their Communist base at home at the same time their Communist pals in China are calling in Biden’s markers.

Everything the Harris/Biden Administration do in Burma will be done with tax dollars in order to prop up the worldwide Democracy Movement:

The U.S. has decided to impose sanctions on Myanmar military officials over the coup, while China, a major economic partner for Myanmar, has largely kept silent.

Political events always turn out well for Americans whenever democracy loses:

Japanese companies and financial institutions made significant inroads in Myanmar in the past decade, expecting the market to grow rapidly as it moved toward democracy.


Turning back the clock on democracy could affect future public and private investments in Myanmar.​

Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers
February 13, 2021 03:15 JST