Biden is succeeding in building the economy from ‘bottom up, middle out’


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Disproportionate gains for lower-income workers continued throughout 2022. And at the end of the year, the Wall Street Journal reported, the median weekly earnings for all workers were 7.4 percent higher than they were compared to a year before. Wage growth outpaced the year-to-year inflation rate by the end of 2022.

Moreover, the Journal reports, “For some workers, the gains were even larger. The median raise for Black Americans employed full time was 11.3%, compared with the prior year. … The bottom 10th of wage earners — those that make about $570 a week — saw their pay increase by nearly 10%.”
The wealth of the top 1 percent went up by 6.5 trillion dollars last year. It is one of the all-time biggest financial booms in history.
Back in reality space the balance sheet of most households outside of the those at the top are getting worse.