Biden makes a good point

The bigger question is are we a nation of fools?

Bush is indeed incompetent, a liar, and a fool .. but he's the President of the United States. Would not only a nation of fools allow that to happen?

Democrats allowed that to happen TWICE, and they didn't vote for Bush. But they were foolish enough to allow that to happen.

Bush is indeed incompetent, a liar, and a fool .. but he had most Americans believing that Saddam had WMD and that there could be "mushroom clouds in 45 minutes." What kind of fool would believe that after Iraq had been under sanctions for 12 years and the REAL inspectors told us that bullshit was a lie .. from a liar.

He even got Clinton and a bunch of other democratic knuckleheads to sign onto his outrageous story .. then even after he was proven beyond all doubt that he was a liar, he came back with some more bullshit about Iran .. and again, Clinton and democrats signed on.

So much for "experience."

Seems to me that this nation is full of incompetents, liars, and fools.

Perhaps the british were right ...

Im sure Dixie lurks.

I just wish this so called liberal media would take Bush to fucking task though.
The bigger question is are we a nation of fools?

Bush is indeed incompetent, a liar, and a fool .. but he's the President of the United States. Would not only a nation of fools allow that to happen?

Democrats allowed that to happen TWICE, and they didn't vote for Bush. But they were foolish enough to allow that to happen.

Bush is indeed incompetent, a liar, and a fool .. but he had most Americans believing that Saddam had WMD and that there could be "mushroom clouds in 45 minutes." What kind of fool would believe that after Iraq had been under sanctions for 12 years and the REAL inspectors told us that bullshit was a lie .. from a liar.

He even got Clinton and a bunch of other democratic knuckleheads to sign onto his outrageous story .. then even after he was proven beyond all doubt that he was a liar, he came back with some more bullshit about Iran .. and again, Clinton and democrats signed on.

So much for "experience."

Seems to me that this nation is full of incompetents, liars, and fools.

Perhaps the british were right ...


Hard to argue with this!

All I can say is that I tried to tell people and was attacked.