Biden Marks First Veterans Day in Two Decades Without a War Underway

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
President Biden paid homage on Thursday to veterans, calling them the “solid steel spine” of the United States and the “soul of America” as he marked the first Veterans Day in two decades without troops engaged in an active war overseas.

For Mr. Biden, who ended the 20-year conflict in Afghanistan this summer, the moment was clearly a personal one as he expressed his gratitude to the thousands of service members and their families who were affected by the fighting in that country.

In short but somber remarks at Arlington National Cemetery, Mr. Biden thanked them for their service and pledged to ensure that those who returned from battle would receive what he called “the world-class benefits that they’ve earned.” He promised to keep pushing to expand services for veterans.
President Biden paid homage on Thursday to veterans, calling them the “solid steel spine” of the United States and the “soul of America” as he marked the first Veterans Day in two decades without troops engaged in an active war overseas.

For Mr. Biden, who ended the 20-year conflict in Afghanistan this summer, the moment was clearly a personal one as he expressed his gratitude to the thousands of service members and their families who were affected by the fighting in that country.

In short but somber remarks at Arlington National Cemetery, Mr. Biden thanked them for their service and pledged to ensure that those who returned from battle would receive what he called “the world-class benefits that they’ve earned.” He promised to keep pushing to expand services for veterans.

to bad thats not true
to bad thats not true


There's currently a war against it from what I can see...

trump allowed the price to crash, destroying the oil industry. More recently, they have been seeing some very nice profits. If this is a war against them, I can only hope war is declared on me too :-P
Hello guno,

President Biden paid homage on Thursday to veterans, calling them the “solid steel spine” of the United States and the “soul of America” as he marked the first Veterans Day in two decades without troops engaged in an active war overseas.

For Mr. Biden, who ended the 20-year conflict in Afghanistan this summer, the moment was clearly a personal one as he expressed his gratitude to the thousands of service members and their families who were affected by the fighting in that country.

In short but somber remarks at Arlington National Cemetery, Mr. Biden thanked them for their service and pledged to ensure that those who returned from battle would receive what he called “the world-class benefits that they’ve earned.” He promised to keep pushing to expand services for veterans.

A peacetime president. A rare moment indeed. The US has only known 20 years of peace total. We have been at war 93% of our time since declaring independence.